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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-09 06:49



热心网友 时间:2023-12-09 00:29

Xinhuanet Washington, November 4 (reporter Lin Xiaochun) looking at the night sky, you see, in addition to the stars, there are a large number of planets, how many of them like earth?Astronomers now gives an answer: "the earth brothers" of the Milky Way could reach 8.8 billion.Many distant planets discovered so far are close the gas giant planets that move around their stars, similar to the earth's rocky planets are hard to find, especially that is neither too cold nor too hot to a habitable earth like planets.Many people doubt: in the heart of the earth is unique?New research shows that, at least on the size and the temperature, the earth is not alone in the universe.Institutions such as the United States at the university of California, Berkeley, the researchers used data from the Kepler space telescope, the search radius is 1 to 2 times earth's radius, the interstellar radiation is 1 to 4 times the planet earth.Space radiation can determine whether the water can exist in liquid on the planet's surface.Researchers 4, the journal proceedings of the national academy of sciences in the United States, the report says, Kepler space telescope has previously studied 42000 sun-like stars, the process, found 603 May be habitable planets, including 10 radius and space radiation is similar to earth's planet.On may have not yet discovered planets after correction, they calculated that, overall, 22% of the sun-like stars may have size or get interstellar energy is similar to the planet, these planets are in the so-called habitable zone.Sun-like stars in the galaxy, the researchers say, at least 40 billion, therefore "the earth brothers" may be over 8.8 billion.According to the earth's population of 7 billion, each person can be allocated more than one "brother" earth, including the recent "earth brothers" may only 12 light-years from us., of course, the researchers also point out that, although there are so many size with earth planets for life, a comfortable temperature, but it does not mean that these planets will support or life.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-09 00:29

Xinhuanet.com in Washington on 4 November, (reporter Lin Xiaochun) look at the nightsky,stars and planets, in addition, they have many similar to earth? The astronomer gavean answer: in the galaxy "brother earth" may reach 8800000000.
Many people are in doubt: the earth is it right? The one and only? New research shows that, at least in size and temperature on earth is not alone in the universe.
According to the data from the Kepler space telescope, search for interstellar radiation radius is 1 to 2 times the radius of the earth, the earth 1 to 4 times the planet. Interstellar radiation can determine whether water can exist in liquid on the surface of the planet.
The researchers said, the Kepler space telescope to study the 42000 sunlike stars, in theprocess, found 603 possibly habitable planets,including 10 stars and interstellar radiation radius of earth like planets.
After the correction, in may not have been discovered planets they think, on the whole, the sunlike star 22% are similar to the planet earth, the planets are in the so-called habitable zone.
The researchers said, the Milky way in the sun like stars at least 40000000000, therefore "brother earth" may exceed 8800000000. The recent "brother earth" may be only 12 light-years away from us
The researchers also pointed out that, although there are so many brother earth, but this does not mean that the existence of these planets will support or life.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-09 00:30

Xinhuanet, Washington D.C., November 4 (reporter Lin Xiaochun)-look up at the night sky, in addition to stars you see, there are numerous planets, many of them similar to Earth? Astronomers now gives an answer: Galaxy's "Brothers of the Earth" could reach $ 8.8 billion.

Many distant planets discovered so far are operated in close range around the parent star of gas giant planets, Rocky planets similar to Earth is difficult to find, especially ones that are neither too cold nor too hot habitable with Earth-like planets. Many people were sceptical: how is it unique? New study shows that, at least in size and temperature on Earth is not alone in the universe.

United States institutions such as the University of California at Berkeley researchers used data from the Kepler space telescope, 1 per cent of the search radius is the radius of the Earth times, access to the interstellar radiation is a factor of 1 to 4 times the Earth planet. Interstellar radiation to determine whether water can exist in liquid form on the surface of the planet.

Researchers 4th at the United States National Academy of Sciences report, Kepler space telescope previously studied 4. 20,000 stars similar to the Sun, in the process, found 603 livable planet, including 10 planets and interstellar radiation similar to Earth RADIUS. After correction of the possible undiscovered planets, they calculated believes that, on the whole, 22% of size or get interstellar energy Sun-like stars may have planets similar to the Earth, these planets are in the so-called habitable zone.

Researchers say at least 40 billion Sun-like stars in the Galaxy, the "Brothers of the Earth" may be more than 8.8 billion. As the Earth's population is 7 billion, each can be assigned more than one "Brothers of the Earth", the most recent of which, "Brothers of the Earth" may just 12 light years away from us.

Of course, the researchers also noted that, although there is so much about the size of the Earth, temperature for planets that could support life, but this does not mean that these planets support or the existence of life.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-09 00:30

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