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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-09 05:50



热心网友 时间:2024-02-17 14:36


CHIPS UID stands for Clearing House Interbank Payments System Universal Identifier. This is just a fancy name for an electronic clearinghouse database system, which facilitates the transfer of funds from both indivial consumers and institutions. It is the back end of the automated clearing house (ACH) network, which is run by the National Automated Clearing House Association, and it provides the platform that allows exchanges to take place quickly and accurately.

Developed in the 1970s, the key to the CHIPS UID system is that its database contains all the necessary information to identify specific participants, such as name, address, routing number, account number, etc. However, all of this information is kept confidential within the system and each participant's information is linked to a six-digit code, which is referred to as the CHIPS UID.

Because the CHIPS UID number can be used by the clearing system to look up the needed banking information of a payment's recipient (e.g. routing number and account number), payment orders can be entered into the system simply with the CHIPS UID number. This simplicity reces the occurrence of errors in transaction entry and speeds up the process for all parties.

As well, because the CHIPS UID number is linked to (but does not reveal) banking information such as an account number, the structure of this clearing system prevents a biller from knowing a payer's banking information, which increases the security and confidentiality of the system. The CHIPS UID system processes both domestic and international transactions and has long been the foremost method of moving U.S. dollars among the world's banks.

A.B.A code就是你银行的代码,也是国际电汇号,这就相当于开L/C的时候问到SWIFT code一样,

以下一份美国当地的银行资料:Beneficiary name: Verisign Global Registry ServicesBank of AmericaACCT#:001233411255ABA#:121000358SWIFT:BOFAUS6S所以ABA code与SWIFT应该还是有点区别的。只不过我们只要提供其中之一就行,所以网上支付时很多都是Bank Routing/ABA/Swift这三个并在一起的,当然最好二者都有.

美圆的清算都是在纽约进行的。纽约当地的银行在纽约的清算银行清算时有一个ABA NO,也就是代号。纽约以外的是用FEADWIRE清算的。所以又会有FEDWIRE NO。此外还有CHIPS NO,这也是纽约当地银行在纽约清算中心的代码。以前学过,现在记不清楚了,等我找到了资料再向大家解释。不过有收款行/中间行的SWIFT号码就已经足够了,汇款行完全能够将款项汇到指定的银行帐上。有没有ABA NO不是问题。

热心网友 时间:2024-02-17 14:37

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