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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 01:14



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 01:08

亲爱的Dear golf and mike:
你好,我是你hong kong fans,我的名字叫na na shang ,今年19岁,现在是个学生,^-^Hi, This is your HK fans named Na Na Shang. I am 19ys old and a student also.
这是我第一次写信给你们,希望你收到. This is my first time to write to you guys. I hope you can recieve it.
我有很多心里的说话想同你们讲,在第一次认识你们时,golf和mike的笑容,一举一动,都早已深深印在我的脑海里。我会珍惜现在的每一刻,守护golf和mike过去的点点滴滴. It is a long story. your smiles and movements gave me deeply impression when I first saw you. I will cherish everything now to protect you guys.
golf是一个好温柔的大哥哥,,我都想有一个像golf你的哥哥,因为我在一次在上网看到你同mike的访问,内容是说到mike说自己已经尽了最大的力量,但就是不知道为什麼比不上GOLF,这时候的MIKE开始想放弃,GOLF你经常对MIKE说「你不要看轻自己,这个世界上还有很多人想要变的跟你一样呢!」直到认同了你的想法为止.由此可见golf你对mike非常好,Golf is a kind brother that I want to have so much. because I had seen something from the internet about you received the visiting. regarding the content was Mike had done what he could do , but why he always could catch Golf. at that time Mike wanted to give up . then Golf often told Mike:don't look yourself down. there are so many people in this world want to become someone like you. till now, you are mike's best friend.
令我感动到落泪,mike MIKE 就算多麼不开心也好,都不要放弃,我和fans们都会默默你们,不需自卑,在我心目的gm永远是最好的. I couldn't help crying. whatever, don't give up ,mike. all of your fans and Me always bless you forever. don't look yourself down, you are the best one in my heart.
golf除了是个好哥哥,将来也会是个入得厨房出得厅堂的好丈夫,在你的访问里,也见过你煮东西可爱的样子,有机会的可以煮给我吃吗?一起交流,煮食物的心德^_^Golf will be a good husband and brother.in your visit dialogue, I had seen your cute behaviors of cooking something. could you cook for me if it is possible. we can talk about the cooking skills each other.
在我心目中golf和mike也是好歌手,很努力,经常要做好难度的动作,搞到身上全都是伤痕,请golf 和mike好好保护自已,小心身体 Mike is a person who is cool to others, but kind to acquaintance. you are a lovely boy sometimes. aha. just like me. we have something in common, so I believe we can be better friend. you are also good singer, working hard, often do some difficult actives. so you are often injuried . please take care yourselves.
有机会再来香港,我会招呼你们 next time I come to HK, I will call you guys.
等待golf 和mike的唱片快点出 Look forward to Golf and Mike's album
继续努力Keep working

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 01:09

Dear Golf and Mike;
How are you?

I am one of your hong kong fans. My name is na na shang.I am nineteen years old and a student. This is my first time to write to you,and I hope you can receive it.

I have too many inner words to speak to you.When I first met you, the smiles and behaviors of you gave me a deep impression.I will treasure every minute of my present life and remeber everything about you.

Golf, you are such a gentle brother that I always dream to have a brother as you. It was still fresh in my mind that when I firstly saw the interview of you and Mike on the net, I learned that Mike tended to give up himself ,because he thought that though he had tried his best,he still couldn't catch up with you.But you always told Mike,'Don't look updown yourself,there are so many people in the world who admire you.',till he followed your suggestions. From this,we can see that you are very considerate to Mike.I was impressed to tears by this.

Mike,please never give up and never be self-contempuous,no matter how sad you are,all of your fans--including myself--- will always support you silently.In our hearts, Golf and Mike are always the best.

In addition to be a good brother, Gold was also an expert cook and a good husband.I like to see you cooking in your interview.Can you cook for me and compare notes about cooking with me?

In my eyes, Mike is a person who is a bit alien to strangers but in fact a rather more lovely boy to acquaintances.Ha ha.My character rather resemble to yours,so I think we might be be able to be good friends.

In my mind,Golf and Mike are also good singers who work hard and always go about very difficult actions ,which requently make myriad scaurs on your bodies.Please take care of yourselves.

When will you visit hong kong again? I will entertain you.

I am looking forward to see the launch of your record.Come on!

All the best,

yours sincerely ×××

亲爱的Dear golf and mike:你好,我是你hong kong fans,我的名字叫na na shang ,今年19岁,现在是个学生,^-^Hi, This is your HK fans named Na Na Shang. I am 19ys old and a student also.这是我第一次写信给你们,希望你收到. This is my first time to write to you guys. I h...


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