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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 23:22



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 00:14

The translation standard that is while translate English 习 language:Similar to Chinese language, English is one of the long and highly developed languages of history in the world, many its language of 习 , too numerous to enumerate.Say up from a certain meaning, some Englishs 习 language usually can reflect the culture and the custom that speak English race.The composing form of some Englishs 习 language and the parable and Chinese language 习 language of the usages contain very big dissimilarity, how comprehension and translate these languages of 习 , is a very tough problem to many Chinese students.For example, say one personal personality pertinacity, English 习 language convenient mule or pigs do the parable( as stubborn as a mule;Pigheaded), but Chinese language in but make the parable(" have a cow temper"," be like a 犟 donkey") with" cow" or" donkey"s.Translate the He is as stubborn( obstinate) as a mule" his 犟 have to be like a donkey", although the typeface is up out of accordance with English original text, but exactly the meaning that that English express, and the expression also matches the expression habit of the Chinese language up.Therefore, the translation standard of English 习 language contain 2:While is faithful, two is fluent. So-called faithful, point the meaning that faithful to English 习 language express first, as to it's can't carry on changing or inventing at random;Point the style and the color of faithful to English 习 language the next in order.For example, the 习 language pass away, the pass to the other side, the be done for, the kick the bucket, the meaning of the snuff it expression is all a die, but because they accordingly belong to in the different literary style, translate text must the body appear the different literary style style and colors.Therefore, the above-mentioned language of 习 should translate respectively for" pass away"," went to the paradise"( or" pass away")," threw the small life"," the 蹬 leg son"( or" have fun to finish")," blow the light to pull out the wax".So-called and fluent, mean that English 习 language translates the text and must be fluent to understand easily, match the expression habit of the Chinese language.For example, English 习 language like a cat on hot bricks is clear to do the image parable with" cat" and" hot brick"s, describe a personal distracted, restless.If shine on the typeface meaning to translate it" be like the cat of the hot brick", the Chinese reader will not understand or proce the misunderstanding.Only translate it" be like the ant of the hot pot" or" sit such as the cushion of needles" just matches the culture of China and the expression habit of the Chinese languages, thus then can express real meaning of an English 习 language.Similar English 习 language is plenty more, such as:Every dog has its day.The everyone all is satisfied, the neither fish nor fowl is nondescript( grotesque), the bury one' the s head in the sand 掩 ear thief the bell etc..Faithful and fluent, sometimes see to seem to stand opposite mutually.Actually, they are to stand opposite of unify.The faithful to original text does not mean that the typeface meaning ascend of faithful, a 习 language inside meaning and the allegiance on the styles.Beg the allegiance of the typeface meaning only, translate the text to not agree with the expression habit of match the Chinese language, the Chinese reader does not understand, that is not the real allegiance.Same, pursue the inside meaning and styles of fluent and regardless of English 习 language of translate the text only, make translate the text to become compile, inventing or the confusion translate, fluent also lost the meaning.Therefore, in regard to the translation standard of English 习 language, is a fluent premise faithfully, fluent turn over again is to faithfully of perfect.Both are complement each other, lack a can't.Because two kinds of languages of 习 of language of English-to-Chinese reflected two kinds of differences of cultural custom, the comprehension and the translation processes of English 习 language are the process that a culture compensate actually.Therefore, say for a Chinese student who learns English, the difference that understand some Chinese and English cultures is very necessary and beneficial.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 00:15

At translation English 习 language hour of translation standard:Similar to Chinese language, English is a history to is long in the world, language of one of the highly developed languages, its 习 it is many, too numerous to enumerate.从某种意义上说,有些英语习语往往能反映出讲英语民族的文化与习俗。Composing form that some English 习 the language is different from the usage's parable and Chinese language 习 the language have very bigly, and how to comprehend with translate these 习s the language, right much the Chinese student come saying is an is very tough problem.例如,说一个人性格执拗,英语习语中用骡子或猪做比喻(as stubborn as a mule;pigheaded),而汉语中却用“牛”或“驴”作比喻(“有个牛脾气”,“像头犟驴”)。He is as stubborn( obstinate) as a mule 译“ his 犟 have to resemble the head donkey", although the typeface top is out of accordance with English original text, however and exactly expression habit for meaning for expressing, and expressing top too matching the Chinese language of the English's.因此,英语习语的翻译标准有两个:一是忠实,二是通顺。 So-called allegiance, point the faithful to meaning for expressing of of English 习 language first, as to it's can't proceed to at random change or invent;The next in order point the faithful to English 习 the language's style with the color.例如,习语pass away,pass to the other side,be done for,kick the bucket,snuff it表达的意思都是die,但是由于他们分属于不同的文体,译文就必须体现出不同的文体风格和色彩。The so that, above 习 language should distinguish the 译 to pass awayed the ", “ paradise"( or the “ pass away"), “ to throw the small 命 the ", “蹬 leg son"( or the “ finish have funning"), “ to blow the light to pull out the 蜡 for “ ".所谓通顺,是指英语习语的译文必须通顺易懂,符合汉语的表达习惯。For example, English 习 language like a cat on hot the bricks is clear to use the “ cat the " with “ hot brick" to do the image parable, description a the indivial is distracted, restless.如果照字面意思将其译成“像热砖上的猫”,中国读者就会读不懂或产生误解。Real meaning for expression habit for culture for having its 译“ resembling the hot ant on the pot" or “ sitting such as cushion of needles" just matching China with Chinese language, from but can expressing English 习 language.类似的英语习语还有很多,如:Every dog has its day.人人皆有得意时,neither fish nor fowl四不像(不三不四),bury one’s head in the sand掩耳盗铃等等。Faithfully with fluent, sometimes look apparently is mutually to stand opposite of.实际上,它们是对立的统一。The faithful to original text is not to point the typeface the allegiance on the meaning, more important point the inside meaning and allegiance on the style of 习 language.只求字面意义的忠实,译文不符合汉语的表达习惯,中国读者读不懂,那不是真正的忠实。Same, pursue the 译 text fluent and neglect the language's inside meaning and style of English 习 , and make the 译 text become to compile, invent or disorderly 译 , fluent too lost the meaning.因此,就英语习语的翻译标准而言,忠实是通顺的前提,通顺反过来又是对忠实的完善。Both complement each other, 缺 a can't.由于英汉两种语言的习语反映了两种文化习俗上的差异,英语习语的理解和翻译过程实际上是一个文化补偿的过程。Therefore, say for a Chinese student who learn English, and some difference of culture Chinese and Englishs of understandings are very necessary with beneficial.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 00:15

English translation of the translation of the standard saying : Chinese language, and English is a long history of the world, one of the highly developed language, saying many, too numerous to list. In a sense, some English-speaking English idiom often reflect national culture and customs. Some form of the composition and use of English idiom analogy with the Chinese language saying there are major differences, and understanding how these powerful translation for many Chinese students is a very difficult issue. For example, one character says 1,762 English word mule or pig so powerful analogy (as stubborn as a mule;pigheaded), and Chinese language is used, "cattle" or "pull" a metaphor ( "a cow humour," "stubborn donkey as the first"). He is as stubborn will (obstinate) as a mule into the "stubborn like his first attack", although literally inconsistent with the English language, but it is expressed in the English meaning, but also with their Chinese language expression habits. Thus, the English translation of saying there are two standards : First, the faithful, and the other is written. The so-called faithful, the first to be faithful to the meaning expressed by the English saying their conct will not be allowed to modify or;

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