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求 黄土 邹志安 翻译3

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-05 06:49



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 05:34

Dad always made trouble out of nothing . he concerned himself with national affairs but actually he knew nothing . so you may say he was poor in his real spiritual world . the rich would always be the one received and the poor were exploited on the contrary . Unfortunately he was the one turned to be exploited . he had no chance to accept ecation for his family could not afford . Later he came into contact with all sorts of political ecation . However , he still couldn't figure out . What is certain is that he never regreted . his hard-working had strengthened his spirit . the flexible man works , the wise man worries , and the worthless one pursues nothing . but he still had something to go in for -- a peaceful world and also a peaceful life .
Now he had stepped into another world , he devoted his whole life working in the loessland , ultimately he turned back to it . the loess was tolerant to take everyone in no matter thay were virtuous or evil .

热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 05:34

The father always does not have is nothing but, cared that does not ravel each kind of national affairs, may say that spiritually is impoverished. The wealth gives, the poverty is eliminated, then he has been eliminated: Formerly because of impoverished did not have the opportunity to accept the culture and ecation, afterward accepted each political ecation but actually unceasingly, but finally has not ravelled. But he has not regretted obviously, because he has the work, therefore has filled all energetic disappointment. Skillful works the wise sorrow, the passenger does not have asks ......But he also has asks ── the hope humans affair not to be chaotic, has the calm and steady day.

he went now! Works the life on the loess, finally returns to the loess. The loess is great tolerant, regardless of being friendly and is wicked, has accepted all people finally
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