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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 12:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 04:37

Low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption, thereby recing carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life. It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.(低碳生活就是把生活作息时间所耗用的能量要尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量。低碳生活,对于我们这些普通人来说是一种生活态度。它给我们提出的是一个愿不愿意和大家共创造低碳生活的问题。)Taomi Shui can be used to wash their hands every day, clean furniture, water the flowers and so on. Clean, naturalmoisture; 2. Scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture, can absorb the smell in the closet; 4. Drink tea resie, dry it, make a tea pillow comfortable, and helpto improve sleep;(每天的淘米水可以用来洗手、擦家具、浇花等。干净卫生,自然滋润; 2.将废旧报纸铺垫在衣橱的最底层,不仅可以吸潮,还能吸收衣柜中的异味; 4.喝过的茶叶渣,把它晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,既舒适,又能帮助改善睡眠;)Lifestyle to rece energy consumption when, thereby recing the carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for us ordinarypeople, an attitude, not ability, we should actively promote and to practice the "low carbon" life, pay attention to energy saving, fuel-efficient, water saving, solar terms, starting from scratch.(生活作息时所耗用能量要减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放。低碳生活,对于我们普通人来说,是一种态度,而不是能力,我们应该积极提倡并去实践"低碳"生活,注意节电、节油、节水、节气,从点滴做起。)

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 05:55


1、Low-carbon living entails minimizing energy consumption in our daily lives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It is an attitude towards life that challenges us to embrace a lifestyle with minimal carbon footprint. For instance, the water used for boiling rice can be repurposed to...

关于绿色生活的英语作文 关于绿色生活的英语作文带翻译

1、作文:Low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life. It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.Taom...

英语小作文 去住在一个绿色的生活

let the ecological and harmonious development, let our country more civilized.翻译:绿色生活 在一个春暖花开、阳光明媚的日子里,我在自家的庭院里种下了一棵幼小的挂着几片绿叶的桂花树.顿时,被寒冬洗礼过的院落有了点点的绿色,也有了丝丝的生机.我很喜欢这棵桂花树,隔三岔五地便要给它松松土,...


Good morning, respectable judges, teachers. Today, standing here makes me feel really honored and excited. The title of my speech is Classifying Rubbish , Improving Environment.Now, we are middle school students. We must improve the sense of protecting the environment。 In our life,...


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For example: tree-planting activities, reduce fossil fuel use, we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living在去年12月7日,《半岛都市报》为了拯救地球,发起了“你说我说,低碳生活”的活动,呼吁人们节能减排,立刻得到了市民以及有关部门的响应。我身为青岛的小公民,也应该为低碳出把...

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Through the ages, the earth mother milk with sweet nurtured a countless generations. The original she was the XiaoBei decorated lovely. But, now human to its own interests, tortured her eyes out. There is only one earth; And the earth is facing serious environmental crisis. "...


In environmental term, we should have good habits to keep campus in a clean surrounding.翻译:正如我们所知,一个更好地学习环境能带来更佳的学习成绩。 所以,创建绿色校园对我们而言就很有必要了。 绿色的校园不仅能为我们提供优良的学习环境,同时也能为构建和谐社会做出贡献。 绿色校园不仅仅指绿色的校园环境...


yeah, really simple. We often put them up in the mouth. But, do you really understand them? they really deeply rooted in your heart?Once, materials, energy, waste and how rampant, now, "saving the glorious, shame," a new generation of pet phrase; once, the first of the ...


关于低碳 生活英语 作文1 Nowadays, environmental pollution is very common. Resource waste is also seen everywhere. In order to protect the environment, to protect our earth, we need to live a low-carbon life. I usually go to school on foot, sometimes by bike. If I need...

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