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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 11:54



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 18:49

1. Manager Zhu, may I know which proct are you interested in?
2. OK, C8650 is our new proct, I think you must have heard of its sale volume on the market before.
3. The technologies of this proct is most advanced in the world, its CUP performance is one of the best and the price is reasonable, suitable for normal students and office workers.
4. Yes,you are right. But as I stated above, the performance of this mobile phone's CPU is perfect so people will choose it at a affordable price.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 18:49

1. Manager Zhu, which proct of our company do you want to know ?
2. OK, C8650 is a new proct of our company, I think you must have heard of its sale volume on the market before.
3. This proct adopts the most advanced technology in the world, its CPU performance is the best in this line, and its price is reasonable for common students and office workers.
4. Yes,you are right. But as I said before, this mobile phone's CPU performance is excellent so people will be glad to choose it at a affordable price.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 18:50

1.Manager Zhu,I have no idea which item of our company you want to know?
2.Well,C8560 is one latest model,I think you heard this model proct of selling in the market.
3.This model is adopted most advance sci-tech and its CUP performance is the top in this instry field which is cheap price and good quality.Pretty suitable for students and office workers
4.In other words,I also said before,This cellphone CPU performance is very good,so the mass would choose and can afford it.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 18:50

Mr zhu, do you want to konw which proct of our conpany?
ok. C8650 is the lastest proct of our company. i believe that you may have heard about its sale volume.
this proct adopts the most advanced technology. the performance of its cpu is top-notch in this field at present and it is attractive in price and quality,which is suitable for students and salariats
we can also say in this way, just as i have mentioned above, this phone's performance is quite excellent, thus ordinary people will choose it and they can afford it.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 18:51

1. Mr Zhu, may I know which proct would you like to have a look at?
2. Yes, sure. C8560 is our latest proct. I guess you might know the volume of sales of this proct.
3. This proct uses the most advanced technology, the
function of the CPU is the best among the instry and it is inexpensive, it is suitable for students and the working class.

4. As I just mentioned before this mobile phone performs well and consumers would ratherprefer it and they can afford to buy it too.
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