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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 15:29



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 08:54

那是你的铅笔盒吗?—_is___ _that___ _your ___pencil box?
这是我的尺子。—_This___ __is__ _my___ruler.
那些书包是你们的吗?—__Are__ _those___ school bags__yours__?
这些字典是他的。—_These___ dictionaries__are__ _his___.
你的铅笔____ your pencil
他的橡皮____ his eraser
我的字典____ my dictionary
海伦的绿钢笔____Helen's green pen
一块橡皮____an eraser
三个书包____three schoolbags
这本字典____this dictionary
那些字典____those dictionaries
.......怎么样?____What is...like?
一个铅笔盒____a pencilbox
两个铅笔盒____two pencilboxes
为.......而感谢你_____Thank you for
(1)is this book your-----This is your book
(2)is that her eraser----THat is her eraser.
(3)is that his eraser--------That eraser is his.或者That is his eraser
(4)books are thoes hers----Those books are hers.
(5)blue pencil his is the-----The blue pencil is his.
__That__ _is___ _my___eraser.
_Excuse___ __me__. _Is___ __this___ _your___dictionsry?
Are _these___pencil _boxes___ _yours___?
__It __ _isn't___my pen.
Those __books ___ __aren't__ __his___.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 08:54

那是你的铅笔盒吗?—_Is___ _that___ _your___pencil box?
这是我的尺子。—_This___ _is___ _my___ruler.
那些书包是你们的吗?—_Are___ __those__ school bags_yours___?
这些字典是他的。—_These___ dictionaries__are__ _his___.
你的铅笔_your pencil___
他的橡皮_his eraser___
我的字典_my dictionary___
海伦的绿钢笔__Helen's green pen__
一块橡皮_an eraser___
三个书包_three school bags___
这本字典_this dictionary___
那些字典_those dictionaries___
.......怎么样?_How/What about……___
一个铅笔盒_a pencil box___
两个铅笔盒_two pencil boxes___
为.......而感谢你__Thank you/Thanks for……___
(1)is this book your
Is this your book?
(2)is that her eraser
Is that her eraser?
(3)is that his eraser
Is that his eraser?
(4)books are thoes hers
Are those books hers?
(5)blue pencil his is the
Is the blue pencil his?
_That___ _is___ _my___eraser.
_Excuse___ _me___. __Is__ _this____ __your__dictionsry?
Are __these__pencil _boxes___ _yours___?
__It__ _isn't___my pen.
Those __books___ _aren't____ __his___.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 08:55

那是你的铅笔盒吗?—__Is__ __that__your____pencil box?
这是我的尺子。—__This__ __is__ __my__ruler.
那些书包是你们的吗?—__Are__ __those__ school bags__yours__?
这些字典是他的。—__These__ dictionaries__are__ __his__.
你的铅笔__your pencil__
他的橡皮__his eraser__
我的字典__my dictionary__
海伦的绿钢笔__Helen's green pen__
一块橡皮__an eraser__
三个书包__three backpacks__
这本字典__this dictionary__
那些字典__those dictionaries__
.......怎么样?__How about?__
一个铅笔盒__a pencil case__
两个铅笔盒__two pencil cases__
为.......而感谢你__Thank you for...___
(1)is this book your This is your book.
(2)is that her eraser That is her eraser.
(3)is that his eraser That is his eraser.
(4)books are thoes hers Those books are hers.
(5)blue pencil his is the The blue pencil is his.
__That__ __is__ __my__eraser.
__Excuse__ __me__. __Is__ __this___ __your__dictionsry?
Are __these__pencil __cases__ __yours__?
__It__ __isn't__my pen.
Those __books___ ___aren't__ __his___.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 08:55

1 Is that your
This is
Are those yours
These are his
your pencil
his eraser
my dictionary
Helen 's green pen
an eraser
three bags
this dictionary
those dictionaries
How about/What about?
a pencil box
two pencil boxs
thank you for .......

1 This is your book?/Is this your book?
2 Is that her eraser?
3 Is that his eraser
4 Those books are hers.
5 Is his pencil the blue?

1 That is my
2 Excuse me. Is this your
3 these boxs yours
4 It isn't 铅笔是 pencil ,钢笔是pen
5 books aren't his.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 08:56

英语求解 要求 迅速 详细

1.You can —— some sugar ——the water A add ./ B add .into C add. to D add up to./ 答案 C 这里add A to B是一个固定词组,意为“把A加入B内”,所以句子意思是“你可以加些糖进水里。”2. there is —— smoothie in the cup.A any B much C a few D many ...


1.No,you can't.2.What does it mean?或What is its meaning?3.Yes,he does.4.It means you should stay away from the grass.O(∩_∩)O~


为你解答。Many people 1(think,认为) if you turn off your TV,your life will be colorful. They also say that TV can 2(bring,带来) children big problems. First, it’s bad for your 3(studies,学习). You 4(spend,花费) too much time on TV. You can’t do 5(wel...


9, She was unhappy because she made mistakes again.10, we should not run away from the problems.Susan is sure about this exam.I hope your dream can come true.remember to share your problems with us.Do you have anything special to tell me?你的是对的 ...


一、翻译下列句子 那是你的铅笔盒吗?—_is___ _that___ _your ___pencil box?这是我的尺子。—_This___ __is__ _my___ruler.那些书包是你们的吗?—__Are__ _those___ school bags__yours__?这些字典是他的。—_These___ dictionaries__are__ _his___.你的铅笔___ your pe...

八年级英语 速答 包括理由

1。 means in fast在英语中的意思是快 2。 as the same as 和。。。一样 3。 the same 。。。爱上 the same as 和。。。一样 1楼说的 as 。。。as。。。只能修饰形容词 4。does well in 5。 is → does


答案:Because an empty wallet has no change.(在英语中,change 既可以解作“零钱”,也可以解作“变化”。)问题 (3) Why are the rivers very rich?(河流为甚麼那麼富有?)答案:Because rivers have banks.(在英语中 bank 既可以解作“银行”,也可以是“河岸”。)问题 (4) Where ...


1. If you live __A___ I in a place, you are sure to feel ___. ( )A. alone; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; lonely D. lonely; alone alone表示单独一人,是副词,lonely表示孤单,形容词。2. When I went to their home, they were all ___B___ breakfast.A. in...


1.D)for fear that for fear that ...“担心。。。”的意思。后面跟从句,要用虚拟语气,should+动词原形;2.B)when scarely/hardly+had+主语+谓语+.when ...固定短语,“一。。。就。。。”的意思; 这是个倒装句。还原回普通句子是:We had scarely settled ourselves in the seats in th...


Model:I play in the park every morning.I'm playing in the park now.I'm going to play in the park next sunday.1.They make noise with their toys.改:( They are making noise with their toys )now.改:( They are going to make noise with their toys ) tomorr...

搞笑速问速答问题 情侣速问速答问题 速问速答游戏 速问速答情侣 速问速答游戏怎么玩 3秒快速答题 奇速英语 速学英语 有谁学过奇速英语
如何通过官网查询车次信息? 华为c8812屏幕上一直出现一个黑框,求大家帮帮忙,看看怎么解决 华为8812手机屏幕出现这种情况,屏幕上有英文,乱七八糟,怎么办,怎么也... 华为C8812点击屏幕的时候屏幕为什么会有红框?求解答 我的手机型号是华为c8812,才用了几天,感觉屏幕好像下陷了点点,点上去... 华为c8812e屏手写时出现十字坐标右侧有许多英文字母时不时跳岀来这是... 华为c8812e屏幕上方出现一行数据而且触摸时有条纹状出现是怎么回事? 为什么在excel表格输入函数时不计算结果? 表格单元格为什么求不出总和? 健身教练行业比较有用的证书是哪个? 感觉体内发热,身体发烫,冒汗厉害。而且脸上 头上每天很油腻 脱发也严重。这是怎么回事?真的好热 不 谷歌地图下载器下载的高清航帕图为什么没有道路及地点的文字标注 十二支蓝色的铅笔怎么翻译?初一的。 身体燥热,皮肤爱出油 请问谷歌地图改版后日本的地图显示不了汉字地址,怎么解决? 女朋友家里条件差,她家人还十分刻薄迷信。我到底该怎么办? 我女朋 关于颜色和水果的英文俚语 为什么我的google地球不能显示文字 blue-pencil是什么意思 个人服务号可以做微商城吗 微信服务号和订阅号能自定义开发会员卡和商城吗? 我现在申请一个微信公众平台想在这个平台上做微商城应该怎么做? 微信公众订阅号怎么接入商城,订单可以支付吗 用登录腾讯会议能在腾讯会议上看到这个中的聊天记录吗 微信订阅号怎么开商城,怎么和店里的会员同步呢 思维导图手抄报和思维导图有区别吗? 思维导图和手抄报有什么异同? 订阅号能做微信商城吗 GTA5赌场机子死都玩不了什么情况? 小米公司雷军是 YY最大的股东??? blue前加什么冠词 容易出汗,头发出油是什么原因 there are five blue pencils,three big pencilsand two ones是什么意思 头顶出油多发热臭臭的? 谷歌地图上的一些座标为什么会出现文字 身体头发爱出油怎么办? 南京同仁堂生物科技有限公司祛斑霜靠谱吗 uncensor是什么意思 头皮出油是身体的什么原因,要注意些什么。 南京同仁堂海圣美白祛斑精华液是真的吗? 头发好粗,而且头皮处油多,头发的端部又感觉很干燥 求推荐一款外观炫酷的机械键盘,最好是华硕的。 南京同仁堂祛斑精华液有效果吗 想买个笔记本电脑,4000左右,既能查学习资料又能打游戏的,键盘炫酷点的有什么推荐? 南京同仁堂祛眼袋需要多少钱一瓶? 南京同仁堂百幽草韩鹭祛斑霜是真的吗 同仁堂的祛痘好用不好用 南京同仁堂祛痘怎么样,有效果吗 可孚口罩和万宝绿那个好 哪个牌子的游戏键盘款式比较炫酷?