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女人可以性感疯狂可爱自由自在带英文 是什么歌

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 15:32



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 09:57

Tiffany Evans - I'll Be There
See ya sleepin' on the ground
See ya screamin' with no sound
When your blanket starts to wear
I'll be there
See 'em peekin' every night
Momma's beaten don't know why
When your tears begin to shed
I'll be there
In those times when you feel all alone
Forced to find your way through worlds unknown
Look ahead and don't be scared
I'll be there
I'll be there through the rough winds and rain and ice
I'll be there when the nights falls and troubles rise
I'll be there when you need me
No matter what how or when
My friend
I'll be there
Tiffany Evans - I'll Be There
See 'em bleedin' no more smiles
Goodbye letters on the ground
When no one will spare their ears
I'll be there
When your back's up on the wall
Chronic failure you've been called
When you feel there's no escape
I'll be there
I'll be there through the rough winds and rain and ice
I'll be there when the nights falls and troubles rise
I'll be there when you need me
No matter what how or when
My friend
I'll be there
Whenever you're faced with what you feel like you can't bare
Call on me and I'll be
Beside you until the end
Lift your head up and stand tall
Promise I won't let you fall
When you reach I will extend
I'll be there
I'll be there through the rough winds and rain and ice
I'll be there when the nights falls and troubles rise
I'll be there when you need me
No matter what how or when
My friend
I'll be there through the rough winds and rain and ice
I'll be there when the nights falls and troubles rise
I'll be there when you need me
No matter what how or when
My friend
I'll be there
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