发布时间:2022-04-30 15:39
时间:2022-04-18 09:03
那是一个中午,我无聊地摆弄着眼前这块金色的布.玩着玩着,我忽然突发奇想:为什么不用这块布做一次降落伞实验呢 说干就干,我立刻找来四条长短相同的细绳,分别绑在布的四个角上.绑好了,我尝试着拉了拉四条细绳,确定没有问题之后,我才找来一个小玩具,将四条绳子都拴在玩具身上.一切就绪,我兴奋地爬上一个较高的柜子,站起来,抓着我的降落伞和伞兵,大手一挥,原来以为这个降落伞一定能稳稳当当地落下,可天有不测风云,伞兵居然直线形下垂,最后还是没能安全着陆,英勇牺牲了.我愣了:怎么可能 难道实验品有误 便不假思索地跳下柜子,抓起伞兵,左看看,右看看,啥问题也没有啊 思考良久,我终于得出结论:玩具偏重.于是,我立刻换了个轻些的玩具,又将绳子捆在玩具身上,又实验了一次,可结果,伞兵结局还是那样悲惨.难道还是有问题 我十分纳闷.这时,一阵微风吹来,我灵机一动:一定是缺少风力.于是,我再次提着伞兵,来到顶楼.正好刮来一阵风,说时迟那时快,我赶紧扔下伞兵,嘿,神了!只见降落伞一撑开,伞兵便悠悠地降落到地面,安全着陆.我一阵欢呼,冲下楼,捡起伞兵,激动得大呼:"我成功了!成功了!"
时间:2022-04-18 10:21
时间:2022-04-18 11:56
时间:2022-04-18 13:47
Two new fossils were found in China. They are fossils of dinosaurs. The kind os dinosaurs lived 160 million years ago. They are about 3.6 feet tall and 9.8 feet long. Scientists think they are a group of small, meat-eating dionsaurs, with a crest on their head.
They arenamed Guanlong Wucai in Chinese."Guanlong" comes from the crest. People belive the crest isn't for fight but just for show like the peacock.
"Wucai" comes from the rich color of the crest. Scientists guess there are also some feathers on the crest and this makes them think of birds. Maybe they had something the same as birds at the beginning.
Stuing the fossils, from zhe size of them, the stronger legs and the crest, scientists are almost sure they are from the tyrannosaur family. But they are much smaller than tyrannosaurs. Tyrannosaurs are best known from 70 million years ago.if it is ture, wewill say tyrannosaurs were not born in North America.
时间:2022-04-18 15:55
Wucai" comes from the rich color of the crest. Scientists guess there are also some feathers on the crest and this makes them think of birds. Maybe they had something the same as birds at the beginning.
Stuing the fossils, from zhe size of them, the stronger legs and the crest, scientists are almost sure they are from the tyrannosaur family. But they are much smaller than tyrannosaurs. Tyrannosaurs are best known from 70 million years ago.if it is ture, wewill say tyrannosaurs were not born in North America.
时间:2022-04-18 18:20
Two new fossils were found in China. They are fossils of dinosaurs. The kind os dinosaurs lived 160 million years ago. They are about 3.6 feet tall and 9.8 feet long. Scientists think they are a group of small, meat-eating dionsaurs, with a crest on their head.
They arenamed Guanlong Wucai in Chinese."Guanlong" comes from the crest. People belive the crest isn't for fight but just for show like the peacock.
"Wucai" comes from the rich color of the crest. Scientists guess there are also some feathers on the crest and this makes them think of birds. Maybe they had something the same as birds at the beginning.
Stuing the fossils, from zhe size of them, the stronger legs and the crest, scientists are almost sure they are from the tyrannosaur family. But they are much smaller than tyrannosaurs. Tyrannosaurs are best known from 70 million years ago.if it is ture, wewill say tyrannosaurs were not born in North America
时间:2022-04-18 21:01
Two new fossils were found in China. They are fossils of dinosaurs. The kind os dinosaurs lived 160 million years ago. They are about 3.6 feet tall and 9.8 feet long. Scientists think they are a group of small, meat-eating dionsaurs, with a crest on their head.
They arenamed Guanlong Wucai in Chinese."Guanlong" comes from the crest. People belive the crest isn't for fight but just for show like the peacock.
"Wucai" comes from the rich color of the crest. Scientists guess there are also some feathers on the crest and this makes them think of birds. Maybe they had something the same as birds at the beginning.
Stuing the fossils, from zhe size of them, the stronger legs and the crest, scientists are almost sure they are from the tyrannosaur family. But they are much smaller than tyrannosaurs. Tyrannosaurs are best known from 70 million years ago.if it is ture, wewill say tyrannosaurs were not born in North Amer