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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 13:48



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 20:18

1. Our quotations for China's market, prices could be based on the proportion of the small size of change orders
2. We will under the contract requirements, so your company with procts
3. Say no, it is better to do good. We can know a cooperation proct quality and other conditions
1. Our quoted price for China's market price, the price may according to the order form measurement proportion small scope change
2. We can act according to the contract the request, makes your firm satisfaction the proct
3. Says is again good, was inferior to does good. After we cooperate time can know the proct quality and other situations

热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 20:18


1. Our quotation is market price in China, and it can be slightly changed base on your order quantity.
2. We can do our best to make you satisfied according to the contract request.
3. Doing is better than saying. You will realize the high quality of our goods only by cooperating with us.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 20:18

1.Our quoted price for China's market price, the price may act according to the order form measurement proportion small scope change

2.We can act according to the contract the request, makes your firm satisfaction the proct

3.Says is again good, was inferior to does good. After we cooperate time can know the proct quality and other situations

热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 20:19

1.Our quotation is for the Chinese market, while the prices could be little changed according to dimensions of the list.
2.The procts will be satisfied according to the requirements in the contract.
3.It is better to do than to say. The quantity and other situations of the procts will be clarified after the first time cooperation.
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