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Panasonic is principal sponsor of the Toyota F1 teamPanasonic was also the name of a road bicycle racing team and a Finnish electronic music o.
Panasonic is the global brand name for consumer electronics and other electric procts manufactured by Matsushita Electric Instrial Co., Ltd. of Japan. The Panasonic name was created in 1955 and was first used as a brand for audio speakers. In more recent history, Matsushita Electric has begun manufacturing more expensive television and audio/video equipment in addition to their entry-level offerings, and as of fall 2005, is using the Panasonic brand name worldwide. They manufacture LCD, plasma and CRT television sets, DVD players, telephones, VCRs, digital cameras, portable CD and analog tape decks and home stereo equipment, all of which is marketed under their slogan "Ideas for Life". Through the Panasonic nameplate, Matsushita was one of the first companies to manufacture Laserdisc players in the early 1980s and was among the group of companies that first conceived the DVD format.

Panasonic is a primary sponsor of Toyota's Formula 1 program (Toyota F1), also known as Panasonic-Toyota Racing.

Contents [hide]
1 Introction
2 Panasonic Corporation of North America
3 Panasonic Avionics Corporation
4 Timeline
5 See also
6 External links


Classic Panasonic ad in New York City. The company sponsored a cycling team through 1991, and this photo was taken in 2006.Under the Matsushita Electric Instrial Company umbrella, based on profit from 2004 annual sales, Matsushita is the second largest electronics maker trailing eNOKI. If we consider only “white household electrics”, (the name coming from white color of rice cooker, refrigerator, microwave, washer, air conditioner), then Matsushita would be the world’s largest electronics maker. In the past, e to its imitation tactic, Matsushita has been ridiculed as “Maneshita Denki” (“mane” means imitation), but in actuality, Matsushita has a lot of its own proct planning, research and development.

Including its related companies, Matsushita centers its enterprise development on home electronics, instrial equipment, and telecommunications equipment. Though not widely advertised before, in recent years, its notebook computer line, Toughbook, has gained popularity, and commercials are being aired on television.

The company's management style and corporate culture have been often compared to that of competitor Sony. When Sony is doing well, the number of books that praise Sony management increases, when conditions reverse, then more books that praise Panasonic management style are displayed in bookstores. Regardless of favorable sales and conditions, Sony and Panasonic are often viewed as rivals. This probably comes from the competition between VTR (video tape recorder) and VHS (video home system). The largest direct competition between Sony and Panasonic is currently in the segment of audio procts. However, Sony has recently diversified into the cinema, video game, and financial areas. Currently, Panasonic is considered as Sony’s rival in areas of flat panel TVs, digital cameras, DVD recorders – areas where Panasonic is focusing its proction, marketing and sales efforts.

Current strategy is to continue competing against other Japanese companies such as Toshiba, Hitachi, and Minebea, on different standards, depending on the field, (liquid crystal display panel for example) to take actions in competing, forming joint ventures, or transferring business.


Panasonic mobile phones = O, enables companionship!

It is said that in “Kachou Shima Kosaku”, a popular comic series written by Kensi Hirokane, the main character works at Hatsushiba Electric, which is modeled on the author’s work experience at Panasonic. The Osaka office which appeared in the comic is suppose to be the Twin Tower at Kyobashi, and when Kosaku is sent to work in China, the view from the Shanghai office is same as the view from the Panasonic office in Shanghai.

In the popular Asahi Broadcasting Corporation program Panel Quiz Attack 25, the panel used in the stage setup was developed by Matsushita Electric. During the early days of the show, the technical staff of Matsushita Electric was stationed at the recording studio, in case of any unexpected occurrences.

Panasonic Corporation of North America
Panasonic Corporation of North America is the full name for the American branch of the company more commonly called Panasonic. It was formerly known as Matsushita Electric Corporation of America prior to the use of the Panasonic name in North American countries.

Panasonic Avionics Corporation
Panasonic Avionics Corporation is a supplier of in-flight entertainment (IFE) and communication systems. Headquartered in Bothell, Washington, Panasonic Avionics Corporation employs approximately 2,500 employees based in over 70 locations worldwide. The company provides airline passengers with a wide array of interactive applications at their seats, combining entertainment (digital music and movies on demand, games, interactive moving maps, and online shopping) with business tools (E-mail, live flight scheles, and in-flight internet access). Panasonic Avionics Corporation is a subsidiary of Panasonic Corporation of North America (PNA).

1918 – Matsushita Electric Factory was founded.
1927 – National brand name was introced.
1931 – Proction of radio began.
1932 – Purchased the patent for crucial radio part, and disclosed the information freely to other radio makers. Contributed to the development of the electronics instry in Japan.
1933 – Adopted system of enterprise divisions. Constructed large scale factory at Kadoma City, Osaka, and transferred proction facilities.
1935 – Restructuring of Matsushita Electric Instrial Company, branch company Matsushita Electric Works was established.
1941 – Joined military proction. Manufactured wooden boats and wooden airplanes.
1946 – All divisions merged and became a restricted company as appointed by Allied Powers General Headquarters.
1952 – With technical cooperation provided by the Netherland’s Philips Electronics, Matsushita Electric Instrial Company was established. New factory construction and expansion followed.
1954 – Began cooperation with Victor Company of Japan.
1957 – Promoted stores to join National Shop system– sales distribution network solely for National procts. It was a very effective sales network ring the high economic growth period.
1965 – Began enforcement of two days off per week. Adopted new sales system, decreased the number of channels involved in the sales process.
1977 – Began sales of VHS video.
1986 – Begin using Panasonic as brand name in Japan.
1989 August 1 – Began large scale reform of technology departments.
1993 - Panasonic attempted to profit in the video game market with the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. However, stiff competition from Sony's PlayStation forced the system to be discontinued by the end of 1995.
1993 – Cancelled joint venture agreement with Philips, changed contract to closed license.
2000 - Kunio Nakamura became President. Morishita became chairman, Masaharu Matsushita became the honorary President, Masayuki Matsushita became vice chairman. We await to see the future successor to President. If founder Konosuke Matsushita’s grandson Masayuki becomes vice president, then the expectation of a hereditary presidential system will disappear away like fog.
2003 – Introced the slogan, “Panasonic ideas for life”
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panasonic

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:29


Broadening your world through our ideas for life

Under the Panasonic brand and its slogan, "Panasonic ideas for life," Panasonic (Matsushita Electric Instrial Co., Ltd.) provides a wide range of procts, from audiovisual and information/communication equipment to home appliances and components, as one of the largest electronic companies in the world today. We endeavor to become a "Customer Value Creation Company" that provides safety, security, comfort and convenience in line with our visions of contributing to a ubiquitous networking society and coexisting with the global environment.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:30

Matsushita 是"松下"的日文罗马字母,象汉语拼音一样.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:30


热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 10:31

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