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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-19 12:10



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 22:25

As far as I am concerned, I tend to believe that teenages should not use mobile phones, e to the fact that mobile phones can bring tons of troubles for them.
To start with, teenage students, whose first priority is to acquire knowledge, are not able to focus on their study when they have mobile phones, because they may send messages to friends, surf the internet via it,which will exert bad influence on their study.
Furthermore, they may end up hurting their self-esteem, as they always want to own the fancy mobile phone,but, in the mean time, they are not able to afford that. The comparison among students over mobiles will be increasingly serious. Therefore, they are distracted from study.
More importantly, mobile phones, nowadays, possess a lot of functions, like playing games, listening to music, surfing the internet. It is almost a mini computer. Teenages who cann't distinguish right from wrong, are exposed to a lot of bad information, like violence, drug and so on.
Thus, it is obvious that we need to ban teenages to use mobile phone,because the disadvantages brought by this outweigh its advantages.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 22:26

it makes students thingking lazily .sometimes it becomes more and more rich .
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