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求一篇On my way to school 的英文作文怎么...4

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-19 17:23



求一篇On my way to school 的英文作文怎么写?

on the way to school, i met an old woman.she is so old and she seems to be blind.i went there and wanted to help her.she was very glad and she let me lead her to cross the crossing.after that,she said thaks to me .i was really happy because i have helped someone...


1. my way to school为题的英语作文 I usually go to school by bike. Because my home isn't very far from my school. It's only ten minute's ride by bike so I usually ride to school. Besides, it is one of the good ways of exercise. It can help me keep fit and str...


1. 写一篇自己怎么到学校的英文作文 加翻译 I wanted to take a bus to school,because my bike was broken!我想乘公共汽车去学校,因为我的自行车坏了。There was a lot of traffic.So i felt it was vey boring.路上很拥挤,车很多,所以我觉得过程很无聊。 It took me half an hour ...


Let Kids Walk to the School让孩子步行上学These days, inNanjingcity, taking a taxi to school is getting more and more fashionable among middle-school students.Some of them are children of busines *** en who are relatively well-off.The parents of these children claim they can earn much money...


students like different ways to go to school. As for me, I like to go to school on foot the most. There are four reasons.Firstly, my home is not far away from my school. It takes me only twenty minutes to get to school. Secondly, the traffic on my way to school is ...


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1. 【怎样写《你怎样去上学 I live near my school.So I usually go to school on foot.I think walking to school is a good way to exercise body.Because I walk to school every day,I'm stonger than before.Sometimes I go to school by bike because I'm nearly late for ...


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I quickly ran out and got on my bike. On my way to school, I rode fast. When I reached the crossing, the traffic lights were red, but I didn't stop my bike. A policeman stopped me, and asked me whey I didn't stop when the lights were red. I told him classes would begin in...


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