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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 10:23



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 19:37

SPSS introction
The original SPSS means "Statistical Package for Social Science", statistical package for the social science. SPSS is in the SPSS / PC is developed on the basis of it, with strong statistical analysis functions, easy to use user mode of operation, flexible sheet format analysis report and beautiful graphics display form, won the majority of data analysis in all areas of people 's favorite, and widely applied.
SPSS is a very wide application of statistical analysis software, it has been more than 40 years of development history, has become a global leader in professional statistical analysis software. For statistical instry practitioners, to learn SPSS is one of the essential skills.
SPSS through a simple menu operation, can conveniently regulate and fusion to collect all kinds of data, and can be implemented from the simple descriptive statistical analysis to the complex timing analysis and other methods, data modeling, return meaningful results, such as customer characteristic classification, development trend prediction. The application of these results to actual, can help the reader to explore potential customers, establish long-term program and other work to make more accurate judgments.
SPSS has the following characteristics:
Friendly interface, simple operation. The SPSS command statement, sub commands and options are included in a variety of menu and dialog, so users need not spend a lot of time memory complex commands, and options.
Good applicability, it differs from man to man. Although most of the statistical analysis method can through menus and dialog boxes to complete, but, for those familiar with the SPSS programming syntax user, also can be in grammar window directly programming statement, thereby flexibly to complete a variety of complex statistical analysis tasks.
Algorithm. With the fourth generation language features, only through the menu selection and operation of the dialog box to tell the system what to do, without the need to tell the system how to do. Users only need to understand the principles of statistical analysis, without requiring knowledge of statistical analysis of various algorithms, can be obtained by the statistical analysis of the results.
Interface perfect. With complete data conversion interface, other software to generate the data files can be easily converted to SPSS for analysis of data file.
Powerful function. SPSS is the core part of statistical functions, can complete the mathematical statistics analysis tasks, provided from simple single variable analysis to complex multivariate analysis methods.

Time series analysis of the general steps:
Data preparation stage.
Data observation and test stage.
The data pretreatment.
Data analysis and modeling phases.
SPSS the characteristic of time series analysis:
SPSS time series analysis no self-contained mole alone, but dispersed in Date, Transform, Analyze and Graph 4 menu, in Date and Transform in the realization of the time sequence data are defined and the necessary processing, so as to adapt to the requirements of various analysis methods; in the Analyze and Time Series mainly provides 4 time sequence analysis method, including the exponential smoothing method, regression method, the ARIMA model and the seasonal adjustment method. In Graph provides time sequence analysis of graphical tools, including sequence diagram, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation function diagram.
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