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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 05:31



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 03:01


I deeply love my hometown - Shenyang.


I love Shenyang all the year round, because it gives me beautiful enjoyment at any time, and cultivates my sentiment with its unique character at any time.


Shenyang's spring is gentle, Shenyang's summer is bold and unrestrained, Shenyang's autumn is rich, and Shenyang's winter is pure.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 03:01

The shenyang locates at in the Chinese northeast in the river littoral.
There is the population of N, cover the area N square meter.( the concrete arithmetic figure internet access checks)
Have ever been used as the instry city but publicity, now of because traveled the instry.
There is a lot of famous spots historic monument, draw on a lot of visitors annually to this sightseeing.
One of the city of Olympicses, center were set up.
The civilization become more and more important in society, the natural environment also become more and more good,
Transportation method too contain very big progress.
Everybody is working hard and ising a home town more beautiful, I too the for the home country feel proud of.

写作思路:根据题目要求,多方面介绍沈阳的风景特色。I deeply love my hometown - Shenyang.我深深地爱着我的家乡——沈阳。I love Shenyang all the year round, because it gives me beautiful enjoyment at any time, and cultivates my sentiment with its unique character at any time.我爱沈阳...


The shenyang locates at in the Chinese northeast in the river littoral.There is the population of N, cover the area N square meter.( the concrete arithmetic figure internet access checks)Have ever been used as the industry city but publicity, now of because traveled the industry....


My home village is a small one. It’s in Xi-an Province. Small as it is, it’s very beautiful. There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains. In spring, we can fly kites which are made by ourselves on the top of the...


Harbin is the capital and largest city of Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China, as well as the tenth most populated city in the People's Republic of China. According to the 2010 China census data, the city's urban area has 5,878,939 inhabitants, while the total population ...


and Shizuishan has become beautiful. Shizuishan, I love you today, the more love you tomorrow, I'm going to Shizuishan brilliant tomorrow to learn, contribute.我的家乡石嘴山是宁夏第二大城市,并不是一座山。石嘴山因贺兰山脉与黄河交汇之处山石突出如嘴而得名。大武口是石嘴山市政府所在地...


My hometown is Sichuan Province. It lies in the southeast of China. It is a very beautiful place. There are two famous places of interest in my hometown. One is Dujiang Dam and the other is Dufu's Thatched Hut . Every year many people come to Sichuan to visit the...


Winter spring, full of green fruit on the loquat, like a shy little girl to hide between "pipa" shaped leaves, from a distance, the green one, like a jade decorations. To four, in May, green loquat loquat, hang on them like YiZhanZhan golden small lanterns, inclusion in ...


It never snow.我来自深圳。 春天,气候温暖湿润。我可以玩风筝。 在夏季,天气炎热和潮湿。我可以游泳的游泳池。 在秋季,天气凉爽,干燥。我可以玩风筝也。 在冬季,气候寒冷干燥。它从来没有雪 英语作文 我的家乡 写一个《我的家乡》英语作文60词 欢迎来到我的家乡!上海是我的故乡。 这是一个现代和繁忙的小镇...


自我介绍是英语常考的提醒,一般开头写个人及家庭相关人员的基本信息,比如名字、人口、职业等;中间内容重点描写自己的突出特点,兴趣爱好、特长等,加深读者的印象;结尾可以在中间的基础上拓展一下,但是不用太多,这样才能突出重点,详略得当。双语范文参考如下 My name is Xiaoshuai. There are four ...

英语作文翻译,急求~>_<~ 我的家乡云阳是一个美丽的小县城。它坐落在长江...

yunyang is rich in citrus fruits too.besides mopanzhai,there are many other historic sites here.like zhangfei temple,qixia temple and etc.there are also a lot of natural sceneries like tianxiadiyigang-longgang,longjiling park.有道词典翻的,看在我那么辛苦的份上,给个分呗。

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