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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 02:15



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 22:32

USA TODAY is the USA's only national, daily, general-interest newspaper. It is printed each Monday through Friday at 33 locations across the country and is available nationwide.


Fast Facts:

USA TODAY made its debut on
September 15, 1982.
The average daily circulation of USA TODAY is 2.2 million copies. USA TODAY is number one in daily readers across the United States.
Our average customer spends 32 minutes reading USA TODAY.
Our readers' favorite section is Sports, followed by News, Money and Life.


What's Unique About USA TODAY

Because it is a national newspaper, USA TODAY includes stories and pictures that represent all people in the country.
USA TODAY is known for its bold color and visuals. The newspaper combines words and graphics that tell what happened in the last 24 hours and what to expect in the next 24 hours.
USA TODAY's writing style is clear and concise. This means that instead of using a lot of words, we use the most important ones to tell the story.
USA TODAY has four color-coded sections each day to make it easier to locate the news you need. News, Money, Sports, Life.


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