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DA-01-QNW 温度传感器哪里可以买到?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 01:59



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:21

温度传感器(temperature transcer)是指能感受温度并转换成可用输出信号的传感器。温度传感器是温度测量仪表的核心部分,品种繁多。按测量方式可分为接触式和非接触式两大类,按照传感器材料及电子元件特性分为热电阻和热电偶两类。追问哪个网?大神给指点下!这是个什么pn结温度传感器,不好买

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 15:21

hello: i think ds18b20 as a better temperature sensor, you can go to the internet to see pt100 sensors, it is a thermal resistance type, that is, the resistance value of the resistance is converted to the corresponding temperature, in this way, the calculated temperature will inevitably have a large error, and ds18b20 is internal integration, it can be directly converted to the temperature of the results stored in its own register, as long as the microcontroller or other cpu to extract the contents of the register can be accurate temperature. moreover, the maximum accuracy of ds is 12, except one is positive or negative, the other 11 bits are all precision values of temperature, the minimum can be resolved to 0.0625 °c. finally you ask how to convert the temperature value to the corresponding current signal, using 12-bit da conversion on the line, the ds register temperature value read out, and then this value intact for da conversion, it is important to note that the highest bit is the positive and negative temperature marker bit. i hope my answers will help you.\",\"speak_url\":{\"speak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=speakurl&key=cdd7e2efd0efa8109b8619861b695b9a&query=你好:我觉得ds18b20作为温度传感器更好,你可以到网上看看pt100这种传感器,它是热电阻型的,也就是说是吧电阻的阻值转换为对应的温度,这样经过计算的温度难免误差比较大,而ds18b20是内部集成的,它可直接吧温度转换得结果存储到自身的暂存器里,只要通过单片机或其他cpu来提取暂存器内容即可得到精确的温度。而且ds最高精度为12为,除一位为正负为,其余11位均为温度的精度值,最小可分辨到0.0625℃。最后你问如何将温度值转换为对应的电流信号,使用12位的da转换就行了,将ds暂存器里的温度值读出来,然后把这个值原封不动的进行da转换,需要注意的是最高位是正负温度标志位。 希望我的回答能帮助到你。\",\"tspeak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=tspeakurl&key=f473122a6321b8e680ef762f4199bca8&query=hello: i think ds18b20 as a better temperature sensor, you can go to the internet to see pt100 sensors, it is a thermal resistance type, that is, the resistance value of the resistance is converted to the corresponding temperature, in this way, the calculated temperature will inevitably have a large error, and ds18b20 is internal integration, it can be directly converted to the temperature of the results stored in its own register, as long as the microcontroller or other cpu to extract the contents of the register can be accurate temperature. moreover, the maximum accuracy of ds is 12, except one is positive or negative, the other 11 bits are all precision values of temperature, the minimum can be resolved to 0.0625 °c. finally you ask how to convert the temperature value to the corresponding current signal, using 12-bit da conversion on the line, the ds register temperature value read out, and then this value intact for da conversion, it is important to note that the highest bit is the positive and negative temperature marker bit. i hope my answers will help you.","speak_url":{"speak_url":"/audiofrom=en&to=zh&voice=2&cate=speakUrl&key=cc9a2704d1d261baea7f9f897d66486a&query=hello: i think ds18b20 as a better temperature sensor, you can go to the internet to see pt100 sensors, it is a thermal resistance type, that is, the resistance value of the resistance is converted to the corresponding temperature, in this way, the calculated temperature will inevitably have a large error, and ds18b20 is internal integration, it can be directly converted to the temperature of the results stored in its own register, as long as the microcontroller or other cpu to extract the contents of the register can be accurate temperature. moreover, the maximum accuracy of ds is 12, except one is positive or negative, the other 11 bits are all precision values of temperature, the minimum can be resolved to 0.0625 °c. finally you ask how to convert the temperature value to the corresponding current signal, using 12-bit da conversion on the line, the ds register temperature value read out, and then this value intact for da conversion, it is important to note that the highest bit is the positive and negative temperature marker bit. i hope my answers will help you.\",\"speak_url\":{\"speak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=speakurl&key=cdd7e2efd0efa8109b8619861b695b9a&query=你好:我觉得ds18b20作为温度传感器更好,你可以到网上看看pt100这种传感器,它是热电阻型的,也就是说是吧电阻的阻值转换为对应的温度,这样经过计算的温度难免误差比较大,而ds18b20是内部集成的,它可直接吧温度转换得结果存储到自身的暂存器里,只要通过单片机或其他cpu来提取暂存器内容即可得到精确的温度。而且ds最高精度为12为,除一位为正负为,其余11位均为温度的精度值,最小可分辨到0.0625℃。最后你问如何将温度值转换为对应的电流信号,使用12位的da转换就行了,将ds暂存器里的温度值读出来,然后把这个值原封不动的进行da转换,需要注意的是最高位是正负温度标志位。 希望我的回答能帮助到你。\",\"tspeak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=tspeakurl&key=f473122a6321b8e680ef762f4199bca8&query=hello: i think ds18b20 as a better temperature sensor, you can go to the internet to see pt100 sensors, it is a thermal resistance type, that is, the resistance value of the resistance is converted to the corresponding temperature, in this way, the calculated temperature will inevitably have a large error, and ds18b20 is internal integration, it can be directly converted to the temperature of the results stored in its own register, as long as the microcontroller or other cpu to extract the contents of the register can be accurate temperature. moreover, the maximum accuracy of ds is 12, except one is positive or negative, the other 11 bits are all precision values of temperature, the minimum can be resolved to 0.0625 °c. finally you ask how to convert the temperature value to the corresponding current signal, using 12-bit da conversion on the line, the ds register temperature value read out, and then this value intact for da conversion, it is important to note that the highest bit is the positive and negative temperature marker bit. i hope my answers will help you.","tSpeak_url":"/audiofrom=en&to=zh&voice=2&cate=tSpeakUrl&key=cc9a2704d1d261baea7f9f897d66486a&query=hello: i think ds18b20 as a better temperature sensor, you can go to the internet to see pt100 sensors, it is a thermal resistance type, that is, the resistance value of the resistance is converted to the corresponding temperature, in this way, the calculated temperature will inevitably have a large error, and ds18b20 is internal integration, it can be directly converted to the temperature of the results stored in its own register, as long as the microcontroller or other cpu to extract the contents of the register can be accurate temperature. moreover, the maximum accuracy of ds is 12, except one is positive or negative, the other 11 bits are all precision values of temperature, the minimum can be resolved to 0.0625 °c. finally you ask how to convert the temperature value to the corresponding current signal, using 12-bit da conversion on the line, the ds register temperature value read out, and then this value intact for da conversion, it is important to note that the highest bit is the positive and negative temperature marker bit. i hope my answers will help you.\",\"speak_url\":{\"speak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=speakurl&key=cdd7e2efd0efa8109b8619861b695b9a&query=你好:我觉得ds18b20作为温度传感器更好,你可以到网上看看pt100这种传感器,它是热电阻型的,也就是说是吧电阻的阻值转换为对应的温度,这样经过计算的温度难免误差比较大,而ds18b20是内部集成的,它可直接吧温度转换得结果存储到自身的暂存器里,只要通过单片机或其他cpu来提取暂存器内容即可得到精确的温度。而且ds最高精度为12为,除一位为正负为,其余11位均为温度的精度值,最小可分辨到0.0625℃。最后你问如何将温度值转换为对应的电流信号,使用12位的da转换就行了,将ds暂存器里的温度值读出来,然后把这个值原封不动的进行da转换,需要注意的是最高位是正负温度标志位。 希望我的回答能帮助到你。\",\"tspeak_url\":\"/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=tspeakurl&key=f473122a6321b8e680ef762f4199bca8&query=hello: i think ds18b20 as a better temperature sensor, you can go to the internet to see pt100 sensors, it is a thermal resistance type, that is, the resistance value of the resistance is converted to the corresponding temperature, in this way, the calculated temperature will inevitably have a large error, and ds18b20 is internal integration, it can be directly converted to the temperature of the results stored in its own register, as long as the microcontroller or other cpu to extract the contents of the register can be accurate temperature. moreover, the maximum accuracy of ds is 12, except one is positive or negative, the other 11 bits are all precision values of temperature, the minimum can be resolved to 0.0625 °c. finally you ask how to convert the temperature value to the corresponding current signal, using 12-bit da conversion on the line, the ds register temperature value read out, and then this value intact for da conversion, it is important to note that the highest bit is the positive and negative temperature marker bit. i hope my answers will help you.
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