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求 翻译一下 商务英语 谢谢了

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 03:07



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 07:23

1. Western companies had problems selling refrigerators in Japan until they changed the design to make them quieter
Japanese homes were small and sometimes walls were made of paper. It was important for the refrigerators to be quiet.

2. In Saudi Arabia, newspaper adverts for an airline showed an attractive hostess serving champagne to happy passengers. A lot of passengers cancelled their flight reservations.
Unveiled women don’t mix with men in Saudi Arabia and alcohol is illegal.

3. A soap powder advertisement had a picture of dirty clothes on the left, a box of soap in the middle and clean clothes on the right. The soap didn’t sell well in the Middle East.
The advertisers forgot that in that part of the world, people usually read from right to left.

4. A company had problems when it tried to introce instant coffee to the French market.
Making ‘real’ coffee was an important part of the French way of life. Instant coffee was too casual.

5. Several European and American firms couldn’t sell their procts in Du when they ran their advertising campaign in Arabic.
90% of the population came from Pakistan, India, and Iran and elsewhere, so Arabic was the wrong language

6. An airline company called itself Emu, after the Australian bird. But Australians didn’t want to use the airline.
The Emu can’t fly.

7. A TV commercial for a cleaning proct showed a little girl cleaning up the mess her brother made. The commercial caused problems in Canada.

8. A toothpaste manufacturer couldn’t sell its proct in parts of South East Asia.
The people in this area didn’t want white teeth. They thought darkly stained teeth were beautiful and they tried to blacken them.

9. An American golf ball manufacturer launched its procts in Japan packed in boxes of four. It had to change the pack size.
In Japanese the word for ‘four’ sounds like the word for ‘death’. Things don’t sell goods packed in fours.

10. Ladies’ electric shavers sold well throughout Europe, but not in Italy.
It seems Italian men prefer ladies’ legs unshaven.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 07:23

1. Western companies had problems selling refrigerators in Japan until they changed the design to make them quieter(西方国家的公司有问题,在日本销售冰箱,直到他们改变了设计,使其更安静)
Japanese homes were small and sometimes walls were made of paper. It was important for the refrigerators to be quiet.(日本家庭规模较小,有时墙壁是纸做的。重要的是,冰箱的平静。)
2. In Saudi Arabia, newspaper adverts for an airline showed an attractive hostess serving champagne to happy passengers. A lot of passengers cancelled their flight reservations.
Unveiled women don’t mix with men in Saudi Arabia and alcohol is illegal.(在沙特阿拉伯,为航空公司报纸广告显示一个有吸引力的女主人香槟幸福的乘客服务。大量的旅客取消了航班的预定。揭幕妇女不混在沙特阿拉伯的男子和酒精是非法的。)
3. A soap powder advertisement had a picture of dirty clothes on the left, a box of soap in the middle and clean clothes on the right. The soap didn’t sell well in the Middle East.
The advertisers forgot that in that part of the world, people usually read from right to left.
4. A company had problems when it tried to introce instant coffee to the French market.
Making ‘real’ coffee was an important part of the French way of life. Instant coffee was too casual.(一个公司有问题时,它试图引进速溶咖啡到法国市场。 使'真正的'咖啡是该法国人的生活方式的重要组成部分。速溶咖啡太随意。)
5. Several European and American firms couldn’t sell their procts in Du when they ran their advertising campaign in Arabic.(一些欧洲和美国公司无法出售他们的产品在迪拜的阿拉伯时,他们跑他们的广告活动。)
6. An airline company called itself Emu, after the Australian bird. But Australians didn’t want to use the airline.(一个自称鸸鹋航空公司后,澳大利亚鸟。但澳大利亚人并没有想要使用的航空公司。)
The Emu can’t fly.(鸸鹋不能飞)
7. A TV commercial for a cleaning proct showed a little girl cleaning up the mess her brother made. The commercial caused problems in Canada.(一个电视清洁产品的商业表现出小女孩清理残局她的弟弟制成。商业带来的问题在加拿大。)
People thought the commercial was too sexist and reinforced old male-female stereotypes.
8. A toothpaste manufacturer couldn’t sell its proct in parts of South East Asia.
The people in this area didn’t want white teeth. They thought darkly stained teeth were beautiful and they tried to blacken them.(一个牙膏制造商无法出售其在东南亚地区的产品。 在这个地区的人不想洁白的牙齿。他们认为,深染的牙齿很漂亮,他们试图丑化他们。)
9. An American golf ball manufacturer launched its procts in Japan packed in boxes of four. It had to change the pack size.(一位美国高尔夫球制造商推出其产品在日本的四盒包装。它必须改变包装的大小。)
In Japanese the word for ‘four’ sounds like the word for ‘death’. Things don’t sell goods packed in fours.(在日本的单词'四'听起来像对'死'字。事情不出售四肢包装货物。)
10. Ladies’ electric shavers sold well throughout Europe, but not in Italy.
It seems Italian men prefer ladies’ legs unshaven.(女士电动剃须刀产品畅销整个欧洲,但在意大利不是。 意大利人似乎更喜欢女士的腿,胡子拉碴。)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 07:23

1. Western companies had problems selling refrigerators in Japan until they changed the design to make them quieter西方产的冰箱一直很难卖出,直到他们更改设计,噪音变小了(这种状况才改观)
Japanese homes were small and sometimes walls were made of paper. It was important for the refrigerators to be quiet.日本的房子空间小,有些墙壁是纸做的,所以冰箱低噪音显得尤为重要
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