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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 02:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 00:25

TO: Shipping Co. Date: Owner of m.v. m.v.:“ ”
Cargo Description: Quantity:
Port of Loading/Discharging:

The above goods were shipped on the above vessel by Messrs. , but the relevant Bills of Lading have not yet arrived. We hereby agree as follows:

1.To indemnify you and hold you harmless in respect of any liability, loss or damage of whatsoever nature which you may sustain by reason of delivering the goods to in accordance with our request;
2.To pay you on demand the amount of any loss or damage which the Master and/or agents of the vessel or any other of your servants or agents whatsoever may incur as a result of delivering the goods as aforesaid;
3.In the event of any proceedings being commenced against you or any of your servants or agents in connection with the delivery of the goods as aforesaid, to provide you or them from time to time on demand with sufficient funds to defend the same;

4.If the vessel or any other vessel or property belong to you should be arrested or detained or if the arrest or detention thereof should be threatened, to provide on demand such l or other security as may be required to prevent such arrest or detention or to secure the release of such vessel or property and indemnify you in respect of any loss, damage, or expenses caused by such arrest or detention whether or not the same may be justified;
5.If called upon to do so at any time while the goods are in our custody, possession or control, to redeliver the same to you;

6.To proce and deliver to you the original Bills of Lading for the above goods ly endorsed, as soon as these documents shall have arrived;

7.The liability of each and every person under this indemnity shall be joint and several, and shall not be conditional upon your proceedings first against any person whether or not such person is party to or liable under this indemnity;
8.This indemnity shall be construed in accordance with Chinese Law and each and every person liable under this indemnity shall be at your request submit to the jurisdiction of Marine Court of China. This guarantee shall be limited to deal exclusively with all claims of holders of original Bills of Lading or after 13 months after completion of discharge whichever occurs first, provided within such 13 months no legal proceedings have been instituted against Owners. Owners to advise bank immediately in writing if any proceedings are instituted. This guarantee shall be limited to 150 percent of the C.I.F. value at the time of the discharge. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of (Consignees) We join in the above guarantee For and on Behalf of (first class bank)

好运啊! 无单放货真的非常的麻烦。。。。。。。。
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