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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 04:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 06:50

Finance the management is the business enterprise to manage of constitute part, value or wealth with economy of protect value to increase in value relevant, is concerning creation wealth of decision, business enterprise existence, development, accrual of general index mark can not get away from finance of money raising, investment and manage to the usage of the funds.On the other hand, the finance management target is the establishment proces the target, a series of target of etc. of target of sale of foundation and premise, this make the finance management be placed in a core position in business enterprise manage, the finance management target will reflect the general index mark of the business enterprise by the root.So establish a the finance that is reasonable management target to have important meaning to the farsighted development of the business enterprise.
The graation design of this time- the small scaled business enterprise finance management system, exactly for the sake of can efficiently, have the management business enterprise finance of the preface but designs of.Should manage the system with the Visual C++2003 techniques of.NET for frame, take the SQL Server2000 as the backstage database, make use of the software engineering principle, adopt to face to the object plait distance method.The main function of system includes the foundation data management, the certificate management, account book management, settles an account and statement etc..The process of its function realization is the customer computes category and bank account of beginning starts the constitution to input the system, then can carry on the certificate management and searches according to the category in the system, and can carry on the debt to the certificate, originally to expect to gather the account book and detail account books first.Can carry on the account book search through general ledger and the detail debts in account book manage.Can carry on try to calculate to the finance finally balance, see the equilibrium information of the current account, try calculate result balance behind can carry on expecting the end to settle an account, can search to be after settle an account month of balance sheet, and can print that form.The development of the system mainly includes the establishment and maintenances of the backstage database, and the head application procere develops two aspects, carrying out the business enterprise finance centralized management, the intelligence operation, making the traditional artificial turn the accountancy the management turns toward intelligence, scientific, the numeral turn, synthesizes to turn the development, real take the business enterprise finance manage into the COBOL turns accountancy's ages.
This text tallied up the problem meet in this design finally and to future outlook, and put forward the development foreground of this system.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 06:51


热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 06:50

Finance the management is the business enterprise to manage of constitute part, value or wealth with economy of protect value to increase in value relevant, is concerning creation wealth of decision, business enterprise existence, development, accrual of general index mark can not get away from finance of money raising, investment and manage to the usage of the funds.On the other hand, the finance management target is the establishment proces the target, a series of target of etc. of target of sale of foundation and premise, this make the finance management be placed in a core position in business enterprise manage, the finance management target will reflect the general index mark of the business enterprise by the root.So establish a the finance that is reasonable management target to have important meaning to the farsighted development of the business enterprise.
The graation design of this time- the small scaled business enterprise finance management system, exactly for the sake of can efficiently, have the management business enterprise finance of the preface but designs of.Should manage the system with the Visual C++2003 techniques of.NET for frame, take the SQL Server2000 as the backstage database, make use of the software engineering principle, adopt to face to the object plait distance method.The main function of system includes the foundation data management, the certificate management, account book management, settles an account and statement etc..The process of its function realization is the customer computes category and bank account of beginning starts the constitution to input the system, then can carry on the certificate management and searches according to the category in the system, and can carry on the debt to the certificate, originally to expect to gather the account book and detail account books first.Can carry on the account book search through general ledger and the detail debts in account book manage.Can carry on try to calculate to the finance finally balance, see the equilibrium information of the current account, try calculate result balance behind can carry on expecting the end to settle an account, can search to be after settle an account month of balance sheet, and can print that form.The development of the system mainly includes the establishment and maintenances of the backstage database, and the head application procere develops two aspects, carrying out the business enterprise finance centralized management, the intelligence operation, making the traditional artificial turn the accountancy the management turns toward intelligence, scientific, the numeral turn, synthesizes to turn the development, real take the business enterprise finance manage into the COBOL turns accountancy's ages.
This text tallied up the problem meet in this design finally and to future outlook, and put forward the development foreground of this system.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 06:51

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