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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 04:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 16:58

Please save the pandas!!! Have you ever seen a quite or lovely panda that attract you a lot? i do ! I saw a panda in the zoo last week ,they were so quite that no one is gonna to hurt them. While the hunters were hunting the pandas , the police or goverment will put them in jail. In addition ,please protect the pandas together!追问您好,我的意思是说,为了保护大熊猫,应怎样做。谢谢。

追答o! sorry!
We should picked up the trash when you see it and throw it to the rubbish bin. While you are walking in the zoo please don't throw the trash everywhere in the zoo! Also if you would like to protect the pandas and don't let them be rare or extinct, please keep the air cleaner! Don't always drive to a place you want to go, you shall riding bikes and taking buses ! Please , let us protect the pandas together!!!~~~

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 16:58

Please save the pandas!!! Have you ever seen a quite or lovely panda that attract you a lot? i do ! I saw a panda in the zoo last week ,they were so quite that no one is gonna to hurt them. While the hunters were hunting the pandas , the police or goverment will put them in jail. In addition ,please protect the pandas together!追问您好,我的意思是说,为了保护大熊猫,应怎样做。谢谢。

追答o! sorry!
We should picked up the trash when you see it and throw it to the rubbish bin. While you are walking in the zoo please don't throw the trash everywhere in the zoo! Also if you would like to protect the pandas and don't let them be rare or extinct, please keep the air cleaner! Don't always drive to a place you want to go, you shall riding bikes and taking buses ! Please , let us protect the pandas together!!!~~~

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