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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 02:12



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 07:49

Personnel Adjustment determined by company and should be taken since October 1st, 2010:
Employee Cissy promoted as chief manager, who would be responsible for program arrangement and communications between departments. She should report to Leo, who took the place of Conveyance Department Manager temporarily.
Cissy's contribution and efforts she had made for our company on her original place deserved great gratitude. Let's hope that she could continue her brilliant work in her new job and keep the same pace with our company's development.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 07:50

our company decided to begin the following personnel changes from Octerber 1, 2010:

To promote merchandiser Cissy for executive who will bi responsible for planning management and communication between departments.
Reporting object: Manager, and now the LEO will substitute logistics department manager provisionally.
Again, being grateful to Cissy' efforts and contributions on original post for our firm, meanwhile
we aslo hope that she could advance with company in her new position.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 07:50

The company decided from 2010 began October 1, do the following personnel changes:

Ascending business merchandiser cissy for competent, responsible for planning management and communication between departments. Reporting object: manager, at present by LEO substitute logistics department manager.

Thank you very much for the company in the original post CISSY efforts and contributions, also hope she can in the new position and with the company development.
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