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EMF的《Inside》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 00:12



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 04:44


Inside the doors are sealed to love
Inside my heart is sleeping
Inside the fingers of my glove
Inside the bones of my right hand
Inside it′s colder than the stars
Inside the dogs are weeping
Inside the circus of the wind
Inside the clocks are filled with sand
Inside she′ll never hurt me
Inside the winter′s creeping
Inside the compass of the night
Inside the folding of the land
Outside the stars are turning
Outside the world′s still burning
Inside my head′s a box of stars I never dared to open
Inside the wounded hide their scars,
inside this lonesome sparrow′s fall
Inside the songs of our defeat,
they sing of treaties broken
Inside this army′s in retreat,
we hide beneath the thunder′s call
Outside the rain keeps falling
Outside the drums are calling
Outside the flood won′t wait
Outside they′re hammering down the gate
Love is the child of an endless war
Love is an open wound still raw
Love is a shameless banner unfurled
Love′s an explosion,
Love is the fire of the world
Love is a violent star
A tide of destruction
Love is an angry scar
A violation, a mutilation, capitulation,
love is annihilation.
Inside the failures of the light,
the night is wrapped around me
Inside my eyes deny their sight,
you′d never find me in this place
Inside we′re hidden from the moonlight,
we shift between the shadows
Inside the compass of the night,
inside the memory of your face
Outside the walls are shaking
Inside the dogs are waking
Outside the hurricane won′t wait
Inside they′re howling down the gate
Love is the child of an endless war
Love is an open wound still raw
Love is a shameless banner unfurled
Love′s an explosion,
Love is the fire at the end of the world
Love is a violent star
A tide of destruction
Love is an angry scar
The pain of instruction
Love is a violation, a mutilation, capitulation,
Love is annihilation.
I climb this tower inside my head
A spiral stair above my bed
I dream the stairs don′t ask me why,
I throw myself into the sky
Love me like a baby, love me like an only child
Love me like an ocean; love me like a mother mild
Love me like a father, love me like a prodigal son
Love me like a sister,
love me like the world has just begun
Love me like a prodigy, love me like an idiot boy,
Love me like an innocent,
love me like your favorite toy
Love me like a virgin, love me like a courtesan,
Love me like a sinner, love me like a dying man.
Annihilate me, infiltrate me, incinerate me,
accelerate me, mutilate me, inundate me, violate me,
implicate me, vindicate me, devastate me
Love me like a parasite, love me like a dying sun
Love me like a criminal, love me like a man on the run
Radiate me, subjugate me, incubate me, recreate me,
demarcate me, ecate me, punctuate me, evaluate me,
conjugate me, impregnate me, designate me, humiliate me,
segregate me, opiate me, calibrate me, replicate me

...的士的.已经好几年了.10年多了好像.想问下.会不会报废? 98年上牌的普桑 现在还能过户吗?手续齐全 年审到2012年9月 宿迁牌照能... 一个圆柱形容器(如图)里面的水深8厘米,把一个底面半径6厘米,高4厘米... ...水的高度是8cm,把一个铁制实心圆锥直立在容器以后 一首轻快地日文歌歌词有a xi da no u mei da DNF第三季70级暴风眼纯刷图加点 dnf暴风眼技能末日暴风需要什么前置技能 70暴风眼加点(暴力点的)(复制狗衮) dnf女柔道纯杀图,觉醒满好还是1好?高手来。。。 榆林神东还招聘员工吗 电动势与安培力之间的关系是什么? 自己的QQ号还可以登上去,用另一个人的手机登录我自己的QQ号,却显示账号已被回收?_百度问一问 EMF的《I Believe》 歌词 520在成语大侠说是做活动1折,华为p30只买590会是正品吗? 安培力和感应电动势是什么关系? EMF的《Incredible》 歌词 工商税务代理 工商服务内容有哪些 税务代理的法定业务范围 工商代理注册记账是做什么? 税务代理流程是怎么样的? 代理工商税务事务的一般每月收取多少费用? 空间留言代码哪儿有 代理记账、税务代理有什么不同?哪个公司好点? 税务代理业务范围有哪些 家里开的公司 税务方面找的代理公司 这个代理公司主要有什么用 游戏阁账号几折回收 戴尔笔记本电脑无法开机,无反应 工商代理和代理记账的区别 戴尔笔记本开机无响应咋办好? 什么是能斯特方程?应用有哪些? EMF的《It S You》 歌词 求unbelievable-EMf这首歌的歌词和翻译 服务端口是什么? 新生退部申请书8000字 宠物坐飞机 如图所示的电路中,电池的电动势为 E,内阻为 r,电路中的电阻 R1、R2 和 R3 的阻值都相同.在电键 S处于 1月27号无锡坐飞机需要提供核酸检测报告么七号无锡坐飞机到广州要做核酸检测吗? 速求这物理数据处理,一个用图象法处理,还画U/I图像,一个用公式法处理求解,求电源电动势和电源内阻 大学校心联退部门,要求写2000字申请书 如图所示电路,电源电动势E=15V,内阻r=1Ω,电阻R1=4Ω电阻R2=R3=10Ω,电容器的电容C=5×10-3F,求:( 急求,苏州到无锡的机场大巴时刻表及相关步骤 江苏硕放机场吉祥航空在T1还是T2 现有一电池,其电动势E约为9V,内阻r在35~55Ω范围内,最大允许电流为50mA.为测定这个电池的电动势和内 大家好,我第一次坐飞机,我想知道从双流机场到无锡机场的流程是什么,最好是自己亲身经历的,我坐的是深航... MBC第二届电影颁奖礼李孝利&Rain热舞开场曲是什么歌曲 大闸蟹批量空运在哪里可以空运?杭州机场能操作吗? 电脑微信发送的工作表,为什么打开来是好几份 电脑微信朋友圈不能播放20210722? 为什么电脑版的微信聊天记录恢复的时间段只到2021年1月16日?