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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-24 10:03



热心网友 时间:2024-07-11 12:44

The winter vacation passed quickly. In those days, I have done some things. Playing, doing homework and so on. Sometimes I helped my mother doing some housework. She thanked to me. Though, I was proud of myself. I also went over my English learning. I think I have known more than before. In the new term, I will study hard.

Has the winter vacation year after year, all is often different. Formerly, I all only was busy in the winter vacation is making merry, but this difference, not only I have not played, but also almost closed the confinement. Asked how I do fall so the fate, ya, all is the calamity which wants to play all the time annoys!
That day clear and boundless sky, solar especially beautiful, my in high spirits running to the maternal family, father and mother and the relatives and friends disappears for a long time, therefore particularly is excited. After finished eating the lunch to chat a meeting, they on full of enthusiasm played the playing cards. I am idling the safe, a person exits the extension, and brought a cigarette lighter, several dozens firecrackers along with; Transferred had not seen any interesting thing, thereupon I put the firecracker on a person in the courtyard. But that day wind especially big, I originally want to lose on the place the firecracker actually and I do to, rode the wind but has flown on the side haystack, a detonation, unexpectedly 窜出 a ten feet high flame for to ignite the haystack, I was startled immediately had, hurried brushes with the bamboo pole, but the haystack roasted in the overpoweringly hot hot sun roasts has dehydrated completely, in addition that wind helped an evildoer do evil in the one side, the flame fled in a twinkling Lao Gao, I was scared immediately, got a sudden inspiration nearby the discovery well to have a washbasin suddenly, hurried the water used fire fighting, just has irrigated a trough, That presses the hydraulic engine also to press did not sail upstream, really awfully, this heaven resembles is intending to oppose with me resembles, my anxious tear has all fallen, wants to let loose the throat to shout, can how also shout does not make noise; The younger sister comes out by chance asks me to play, she hurried the human has all called, everybody busily has opened immediately, barrel barrel trough trough water straight upward irrigated. This water is originally may suppress the fire, but this fire gentle breeze becomes the ally, the fire has borrowed the circumstances, the wind helps the fire prestige, the situation is not more and more wonderful. By now although greatly burnt down was the haystack but likes actually is burning my heart, from caught up with the villagers in all directions which put out a fire also to, they did not know lifted a small water pump from where, finally, this water pump drew up the water has all supplied, was seeing this fire had to irrigate extinguished, but did not know how, the water broke suddenly. We run as soon as looked that, the original water source is far, that splices the pipe joint place 散架, Shui Zhenggu 汩 braved to outside, to flow place. When we fix the pipe, this is irrigated the fire which extinguishes to resurge quickly. Has not been good, this time wind has gotten up greatly, again does not take the measure, not only this haystack has not guaranteed, all must suffer disaster including the side on haystack and the house. In this critical moment, sees only the uncle to take up the pipe, flushed the haystack which burnt, he did not attend to the intermittent thick smoke to destroy completely the exterior fire diligently outside, also let the public hoe push aside the haystack, the water used to has Mars the place pouring to go, but most was anxious certainly is I, one side me was snatching the fire fighting, at the same time unceasingly the mouth read "the amen", really was turns to any doctor one can find when critically ill. But, this move resembles also very is effective, soon, the wind really has stopped down, this fire also naturally extinguished. My deep sigh one breath, in a heart big stone finally fell to the ground.
Although the fire extinguished, but my responsibility feared was the inescapable, I have finished the full psychological preparation, in just a little bit, the maid ablaze with anger walked, very far away I 闻到 the smell of gunpowder, but fortunately, the maid has not begun, otherwise I also could write the thesis in this? Oh, I now really regretted that, I do must put that to provoke the right and wrong to me the firecracker?
记述自己及家人上周星期天做的事情 英语作文 50个单词以上

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作文 难忘的一件事

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