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本人有个短的1000字左右的英文作文,关于“个人理财对社会的重要性” 明天就交了 急需高手救援啊!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 01:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:34

Wealth Management is a type of financial planning that provides high net worth indivials and families with private banking, estate planning, legal resources, and investment management, with the goal of sustaining and growing long-term wealth. Whereas financial planning can be helpful for indivials who have accumulated wealth or are just starting to accumulate wealth, you must already have accumulated a significant amount of wealth for the wealth management process to be effective.

Examples of wealth managers include independent advisors like FFR [2] or large corporate entities like Citibank's Citigold and other extensions of retail banking services designed to focus on high-net worth retail customers. Such customers would be called internally in a bank 'mass affluent' or 'upper retail' clients because of their net worth, the number of potential procts they own from the bank, their assets under management and other methods of segmentation. The banks create separate branches, services and other 'benefits' to retain or attract these customers who are typically more profitable than other retail banking customers. However, wealth management clients are not Private Banking clients because they simply do not have the Net Worth or Assets under management to justify the level of banking services that Private Banks provide.追问急需帮忙啊 各位大大!~本人在线通宵等待。。。。。跪求高手们。。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:34

The importance of personal finance
The accumulation of wealth needs a process, but finance can accelerate our rich process, start from scratch, from less to more, realize the original wealth accumulation and further appreciation. In the 21st century later, with such fierce competition, the national economy sustainable growth, people's income level rising unemployment, consumption level into the "xiaokang society", and at the same time, surplus cash quantity also sharp increase, more and more people no longer confined to the immediate consumption, the hands of the funds from the original only to "emergency" and "age", more and more becomes a "life and function of assets, in order to get more in the future, more optimal consumption.
Finance is cash flow management, every person born need money (cash outflow), also need to make money to generate cash inflow. So no matter how rich now, each people need to finance. Through the reasonable investment combination, dispersion management own property, don't put all eggs in one basket, formulate emergency plan. And be ready to cope with such as traffic accidents, the doctor, weddings and funerals and untimely needs.
For example, unmarried, because has not yet have too much financial burden, more disposable income. Therefore, in this stage, can be part of the income of investment in how to strengthen their professional ability, for the future development of do positive preparation; Then with the growth of the length, income also further improve, can be part of the income invest in stocks, futures, foreign exchange and other income higher risk type procts. The family has been established, and some to make "milk powder money", some to buy a car, and these people working strength pressure are very big, and not a lot of time doing your own personal property, can give up some stock investment, increase the fund to buy specific gravity, of course, savings and the proportion of bonds can also be appropriately increased, but this stage generally not more than 30% of total assets. For those children are already independent economic capability in old people, can be most of its funds for investment in fixed income procts, such as time deposits, insurance, national debt, a small amount of money used to buy fund. Purchase risk kind of investment funds general proportion is less than 20%.



有些人士认为财富就是一切。对于这些人来说,拥有财富或拥有一大笔财产可以帮助他们实现自己的梦想。有了一大笔钱,就可以购买豪华的别墅,昂贵 的名车和漂亮的衣服,等等...所有你能想到的东西。他们甚至还认为,只要有了钱,就可以购买精神上的幸福。 On the other hand, some other people don’t agree with those...


正文 近年来,互联网借贷平台瞄准了大学生群体,以贷款平台、校园分期购物平台和电商平台的分期付款等形式慢慢渗入校园,宁静的象牙塔成为网络借贷平台争夺的地盘,近日,人民日报也发文指出,要警惕校园网贷风险。对此,妙资金融提醒,大学生社会阅历较少,因此千万要保护好自己,遇到可能的借贷陷阱,要提高警...








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