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我也想要GRE argument和issue的全国高频题和济南高频……就快考了……谢谢大侠了………………~~~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 01:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:22




99. "In any realm of life—whether academic, social, business, or political—the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options."

还有一个忘了 好像跟这个差不多 随便选了一个


55.The following appeared in a Letter to the Editor of the Shady Village newspaper.

"Commuters are complaining that the rush hour traffic on Blue Highway between Shady Village and Bright City has doubled their commuting time. Some commuters have asked that an additional traffic lane be built, but the recent creation of such a lane on nearby Green Highway apparently attracted more commuters, judging from the fact that rush-hour traffic jams actually increased there this past winter. To rece rush-hour traffic on Blue Highway, a bicycle lane should be added instead of a traffic lane. This approach will succeed because many citizens of Shady Village are avid bicyclists; 75 percent of respondents to a recent questionnaire distributed there said they would like to bicycle more hours per week than they currently do."




issue 48

"The study of history places too much emphasis on indivials. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."


argument 40

The following appeared in a memoranm from the president of Excello Food Mark. ets. “In 90 towns where Excello has food markets, natural-food stores specializing in organic food procts — procts containing no chemical preservatives and made with foods grown without pesticides — have opened nearby as competitors. Surveys of our own customers reveal a growing concern about foods grownusing pesticides or preserved with chemicals. Recently our market in Sun City articipated in a local food tasting fair, and 75 percent of the fair goers wo visited the Excello booth requested free samples of organic fruit. Such evidence indicates that to increase our profits, we should begin to stock a full line of organic food procts in all our markets"





144 "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value." *a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc. "

175 "It is always an indivial who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an indivial.


10.The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a Batavia newspaper.

"The department of agriculture in Batavia reports that the number of dairy farms throughout the country is now 25 percent greater than it was 10 years ago. During this same time period, however, the price of milk at the local Excello Food Market has increased from $1.50 to over $3.00 per gallon. To prevent farmers from continuing to receive excessive profits on an apparently increased supply of milk, the Batavia government should begin to regulate retail milk prices. Such regulation is necessary to ensure both lower prices and an adequate supply of milk for consumers."




"The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."


"It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves."


The following is a letter to the editor of an environmental magazine.

"The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global pollution of water and air. Two studies of amphibians in Yosemite National Park in California confirm my conclusion. In 1915 there were seven species of amphibians in the park, and there were abundant numbers of each species. However, in 1992 there were only four species of amphibians observed in the park, and the numbers of each species were drastically reced. The decline in Yosemite has been blamed on the introction of trout into the park's waters, which began in 1920 (trout are known to eat amphibian eggs). But the introction of trout cannot be the real reason for the Yosemite decline because it does not explain the worldwide decline."

考试时间:2011年1月12日 08:30




"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."


"Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image."



Abundia和Paucia的Rice proction



Issue 143. Artists should pay little attention to their critics.* Criticism tends to undermine and constrain the artist's creativity."*those who evaluate works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

Issue 184. It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.

Argument 10. The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a Batavia newspaper. “The department of agriculture in Batavia reports that the number of dairy farms throughout the country is now 25 percent greater than it was 10 years ago. During this same time period, however, the price of milk at the local Excello Food Market has increased from $1.50 to over $3.00 per gallon. To prevent farmers from continuing to receive excessive profits on an apparently increased supply of milk, the Batavia government should begin to regulate retail milk prices. Such regulation is necessary to ensure both lower prices and an adequate supply of milk for consumers.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:23


狗狗更加忠诚护家、善解人意,养一只宠物陪伴自己,泰迪能长多大... 描写泰迪狗的外形和特点的句子 国外留学有用吗 花钱出国留学有用吗 !这叫什么号 百万医疗赔付后是否可以续保 前一年理赔过医疗险还能续保吗? 医疗住院险理赔后还能购买吗? 女生多大后可以不在长身高? 如何不用软件把手机投屏到电脑上手机屏幕怎样投放到电脑上 董子健在《恰好是少年》中尽显温柔,节目中他都有哪些温柔的瞬间? 鱼子西星空露营地,什么时候可以看日落? GRE专业考试都是考什么内容的? 鱼子西只能自驾上去吗 什么是GRE?可以考哪些科目? “顶流”也能做出高分综艺,这档新节目,让真人秀回归真实,你怎么看呢? 晚上看完鱼子西星空可以回康定住宿吗 GRE考试考听力吗,都必考什么 honor笔记本电脑开机时pin码忘记了怎么办?指纹也用不了怎么办? 恰好是少年鱼子西是哪一期 gre都包括什么,怎么准备啊~ 知网查重和PaperPass对比有什么区别 鱼子西轿车能开上去吗 知网查重和PaperPass对比有什么区别? 华为电脑忘记PIN密码该怎么办? 查重时个人比对库是什么 康定鱼子西开放时间 GRE考试都考的是什么课程内容啊 鱼子西海拔多少 鱼子西是哪个城市? 王俊凯微博晒旅行明信片,小凯在《恰好是少年》录制时拍过哪些风景作品? 11月份考新gre,济南的考点哪个比较好?室内环境适于考试? 自驾318川藏线,我们在4200米的鱼子西,吃了第一顿露营火锅 2010济南GRE笔试考点的具体地址? 鱼子西网名啥意思 GRE济南考点作文和笔试是在一个校区吗? 如何评价《恰好是少年》中董子健刘昊然王俊凯的相处模式? 有没有最近的济南的gre作文机经啊 跪求啊啊! 王源,易烊千玺让王俊凯注意身体,王俊凯发生了什么? 王俊凯说我的兄弟只在乎快乐,他口中的快乐是什么? 王俊凯遇高反不忘掏出手机自拍,他还有什么搞笑操作? 网友称看完《恰好是少年》后好想去旅游,这个节目都去了哪些景点? 跑步一会就呼吸急促 跑步的时候为什么呼吸急促 准备gre考试 为什么跑步训练完会感觉到呼吸急促 跑步时怎么呼吸? 急需一些浪漫的对白,文案! 身份证没磁办不了手机卡怎么办? 笔记本电脑很响