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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-15 19:38



热心网友 时间:2024-03-26 04:06

翻译:The rapid rise of the Internet (Internet) instry, with its powerful information and services are changing and affecting all sectors of society, in various fields, global economic network, digitization and graally formed, which gives companies compete in the market and bring new opportunities challenge, a comprehensive business management played a role in promoting innovation. Financial management as an important part of enterprise management, faced with their ability to quickly follow up on new technology, to meet the challenges of the Internet economy. In the network economy, there are many drawbacks of traditional financial management, financial management companies only timely innovation can take precedence in the domestic and overseas markets, and gain a foothold in the network economy tide.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-26 04:06

The Internet (Internet) rapidly emerging instry, with its powerful information andservice function is changing and influencing each class, each field of the society,the global economic network, digital graally formed, which brings new opportunities and challenges to enterprises to participate in market competition,the innovation of enterprise management play a role. Financial management as an important part of enterprise management, facing its own can quickly follow up new technology, adapt to the challenge of the network economy. In the network economy, the traditional financial management has many shortcomings, only the financial management innovation in enterprises, in order to anticipate in the domestic and international market competition, a firm foothold in the spring tide of network economy.
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