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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-14 10:36



热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 00:00

I'm li hua. The well-known headquarter, the giant panda known around the world. But now they are reduced. So we should protect the giant panda. As China's largest giant panda reserves, sichuan wolong nature reserve suffered serious damage. And one of the reason is that there are too many visitors each year, occupy most of the reserve. But humans and cut down a lot of trees, further its worst become bad. In fact, we can do is should stop to occupy or damage their habitat. Request more people have giant panda protection consciousness. On the other hand will improve the law, to destroy the giant pandas live all bad for punishment. The giant panda has been more and more scarce, for their protection is very important. So we need to work together for the giant panda to provide a good environment


热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 00:06

As we all know,the wolong nature reserve is China's largest giant panda nature reserve, but it was badly damaged by the environment, so the number of them is reducing because each year too many visitors occupy most of the reserves; Human cut down the trees as raw materials and other purposes .But the fact is that the giant panda has become more and more rare. So we should take immediate action to protect pandas.First we should stop occupying and destroying their residence. Second all people should be aware of the importance of protecting pandas. Third, Perfect laws and regulations should be passed and severely punish those who destroy the giant pandas living environment. Finally we should work together to provide a good environment for the giant panda. Only in this way can we protect pandas.
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