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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-24 00:16



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 13:22


From its invention, airplane has become the indispensible means of transportation in modern civilisation. As compared to others, airplane has the following advantages:
1. It is fast.Jet liner now has average speed of 900 kilometers per hour.
2. It has high mobility. Air routes are not affected by landscape features such as mountains, rivers, deserts or oceans. The number of flights can easily adjusted according to demand.
3. It is safe and comfortable. Statistics show that the average mortility rate is 0.04 per 100 millions km travel distance per passenger, which is about a hunderth of that of average trasnporation means. It is regraded, along with railway, the safest.
Of course, the influence of airplane has its negative sides too, just as that "science and technology is a double-edged sword"

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 13:22

From the invention of aircraft, aircraft of modern civilization has become increasingly indispensable means of delivery. Compared with other modes of transport, the aircraft has many advantages: (1) speed. At present, the jet cruising speed of 900 kmh in about. (2) of high mobility. Aircraft flying from the mountains, rivers, deserts, ocean barrier, but also according to the passenger and cargo flights to increase the number at any time. (3) safe and comfortable. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization statistics, the average per billion passenger aviation public - (Lane) - The death toll 0.04, is a common way of traffic accident deaths of a few to a few one-tenth of one percent, and tied for the rail transport security The transport mode of transport. Of course, the human impact of the aircraft is the double-sided, as - "science and technology is a double-edged sword."

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 13:23

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