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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-24 00:16



热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 19:30

It is each to have received a little wound, is such , helplessly a person one that sees side leave , is unable to help. Even weak go to company tear do not dare to flow.
See that a lot of persons rub body and pass , have believe street angle have also passed countless , do not see all along the person who can remedy wound. Is graally numb , do not seek again.
For is have the so much thing that has been not needed. Fear very much that self had been not minded , then does not know that self had been actually also minded , does not be self to return matter , hurts others.
A person will grow up. Childhood is such and past , in do not know do not feel in.
Overcast and rainy are soft.
Fear have the person who so leaves suddenly, also fear that self leaves suddenly , leaves strange world only , is empty , is being present.
The thing that is hard to give up too much, tear can flow.
But after passing too much too much thing, discover graally that actually, tear is also not important, important is the everything and that person waits that waited have return again. There are a lot of things, involuntarily.
The character that shows on computer screen passes perhaps in a twinkle. Have no needs love , pass let it pass , enough.
Throw not open is perhaps only those times that had been accustomed to , those gentle times.
Genuine needs, is stupid cloud as well as the blue sky of big flat big flat , can so let heart peace change simple. It is wrong to sink , some time, mature complex person can exaggerate foolishly very much. All everythings need to be rested. When it is most fragile, or have memory, raid , is those , think the recollections that had thrown , can appear still.
It is ignorant , do not know place Cuo.
It is what needs forget to do not remember , should go to win with great efforts for those sorry pasts , can be so happy , have no fear.
However this is impossible for incorrect? Before the recollections that need to defeat , can can not stand one to attack. Those flowers bloom fall time, in those those cloudy rainy days those fine days, those smile those tears, metropolis becomes historical , so becomes to pass, in before add have.
The person owned is the episode of the life of each other.
In the fish in water area, can swim eventually still to walk , do not be wrong, such to have left , will not return again.
A lot of persons say , smile tear most America, but this is too false, if must cry , it will be bold to cry , tear is used to move person. Belong to self forever , belong to self.
Inside Irish coffee, it is legendary to have added tear. On leaf drip the raindrop that falls , it is the tear of angel. While missing a person lift from umbrella beginning, it is pale sky to see that to be afraid of. Is gloomy and cold as having long taken off because of umbrella , have forgotten sky, no matter that slice of sky is how to. Then support umbrella the blurred city street in total mistake in have loved road, also return again do not go in the past.
Really a person time, will not feel lonely. While thinking of a person, it can be just lonely. Own popular feeling in is by the shadow of countless indivial.
Angel does not see.
Own , do not see.
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