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rain anjulie 歌词37

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-23 16:33



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 06:57

Anjulie - Rain Lyrics

I got caught out in the rain...
With you, with you...

I got caught out in the rain;
(Never fall in love again,) with you, with you, with you...

It's been about a year since we last spoke,
And every day I thought about you, thought you oughta know, uh-huh;
What do I do with this fire inside of me? Always been you, baby, I'm desiring...
I know you're no good for me, and I know you're like a drug, it's killing me;
But I don't wanna get my fix - No, baby, I don't wanna let you in, no-oh

I got caught out in the rain (the rain);
Never fall in love again, with you, with you, with you...
I got caught out in the rain (the rain);
Never gonna love again, with you, with you, with you...

Started in October, by June it was over;
Said you're still in love, but you were tryna get over:
You think of me daily, picture our babies,
Said you're tryna change, and that you wanted to save me...
The heat of the summer was pulling me under;
I knew I knew better, but wanted to rediscover
Familiar feelings, and sexual healing...
But when I hit the water, I was stuck in the deep end...

Doctor, doctor, something wrong with me;
Again and again, still the same boy hurtin me;
I open up, let him in, it's a torturer...
(The sickest part is that I think I'm liking it...)
Doctor, doc, why don't he leave me be?
He got a knife in my back - stop turning please!
Cause I can't take no more this time;
Never again, go on get out of my life...

I got caught out in the rain (the rain);
Never fall in love again, with you, with you, with you...
I got caught out in the rain (the rain);
Never gonna love again, with you, with you, with you...
With you, with you, with you...
(The rain, the rain...)

You tell me you love me, you la-la-la-love me;
Boy, you don't even love you - how'd I expect you to love me?
Was good til we lost it, I'm getting off topic...
The story hasn't ended, but just before we drop it:
I called on the weekend, you said you were sleepin';
I wanted to come over, wake you up, or just creep in...
Was sunny and shinin', my bike I was ridin',
Raced over to your house faster than a bolt of lightnin'...
Parked on the sidewalk, but just when I looked up,
I saw another shadow was inside of your window;
Scared to look further - as soon as I saw her,
The sky turned black heard a roar of thunder...
Stood on your driveway, the hair pressed to my face,
Tried to recover, my knees were like rubber...
Soaked thru my T-shirt, I thought it was tears, but,
The clouds closed in, and they pulled me under...

I got caught out in the rain (the rain);
Never fall in love again, with you, with you, with you...
I got caught out in the rain (the rain);
Never gonna love again, with you, with you, with you...

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 06:57

Anjulie - Rain Lyrics

I got caught out in the rain...
With you, with you...
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