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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 08:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 21:48

I always get up early every day.

I usually walk to school every day.

Sometimes I watch TV in the evening.

I seldom see a movie at weekdays.

I never do my homework at school.

I often see a film on Saturday afternoon.

I usually help my parents at home.


追答I always get up early every day at home.

I usually walk to school every day. (school 就是地点)

Sometimes I watch TV at home in the evening.

I seldom see a movie in the cinema at weekdays.

I never do my homework at school on weekends.

I often see a film in the cinema on Saturday afternoon.

I usually help my parents do housework in the evening at home.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 21:48

1 get up early : I always get up early every morning because I must get to school on time.
2 walk to school : I usually walk to school and I never go to shool by bus.
3 watch TV in the evening : My father often told me not to watch TV at home in the evening .
4 see a movie : Sometimes she likes going to the cinema to see a movie alone .
5 work at school : Mr Wang works at school on week days , and he often works very hard.
6 see a film : Bob never goes to the park when he feels unhappy.
7 help my parents : He is lazy , so he seldom help my parents do some housework when he is at home on weekends.

时间, 地点 , 人物 , 要求的词语 都有了

希望对您有帮助! 满意请采纳! 不动情追问, 谢谢.......

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 21:49


1. I usually get up eary in the morning.
2. He sometimes walks to school every day.
3. She often watches TV in the evening.
4. We never see a movie in the morning.
5. My mother is a teacher, she works at school.
6. They seldom see a film on weekends.
7. I always help my parents.追问有些句子好像没有地点。。

追答1. At home, I usually get up eary in the morning.
2. He sometimes walks to school every day.
3. She often watches TV in the evening with her parents at home.
4. We never see a movie at a theater in the morning.
5. My mother is a teacher, she works at school.
6. They seldom see a film on computers at weekends.
7. I always help my parents do housework in the evening at home.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 21:49

On weekdays,I often get up early.At 6:30 , l usually walk to school.After lunch,I alway do my homework at the school.After school,I seldom see a movie with my friend.I never see a film with my classmate.After dining,l sometimes watch TV in the every.l always help my parenys do some cleaning.
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