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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 04:27



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 10:24

A woman discussed some businesses with an old man. During the appointment she made some notes and took a calculator with her. A file with light blue cover also put on the table.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 10:25

They are talking.

Look at the picture.It is the picture of my family, we are having dinner, and it is really a delicious meal.On the left of the picture, it is my mother and the man next to her is my dad, and I think they are the best couple in the world. In the middle of the pi...

我最喜爱的一张照片英语作文 描述照片

My favorite photograph was taken when I was mere five.It shows my hometown and my old grandmother.In the photo I was wearing a short red dress and I looked very cute.My face was a little bit nervous but very chubby.I like it because it reminded me of my childhood,which wa...


作品的名字,画家/摄影家的名字(如果不会用英语写就不写了)在什么地方看到这张图片的(画展,摄影展,书上,网上...)这张图片里有什么,景物描写 这张图片给你的整体感觉(舒适?享受?紧张?不安?震撼?)这张图片为什么打动了你?结尾:展开联想(比如:如果我拥有这幅画,我会挂在我家的客厅...


第一副图:At eight am. I was still in bed.第二副图:My mother came and woke me up. I sat up, but I didn't feel good.第三副图: My mother took me to see a doctor. The doctor checked my throat and my tempreture, then he gave me some pills and told me to rest ...


没必要,完全可以用现在进行时或一般的现在时,比如说:In the picture, the boy is sleeping comfortably on the couch


All of us love one anther. I have a happy family.看我的全家福,这里面有五个人,那个最高的是我的爸爸,他40岁了。我妈妈站在他旁边,她和我父亲不同,他比我父亲小三岁,站在他们前面的是我的爷爷奶奶,我的爷爷戴一副眼镜的长得胖的,我的奶奶和他一样胖,那个最小的是我,我坐在...

英语 写一篇短文描述自己的某张照片,至少用5个含有定语从句的句子_百 ...

my neighberhood.There are three people on it the one who stands in the middle is me and the other two who are beside me are my dad and mom my parents are my good friends who I can share my feelings with and this photo is my favorite one which I will keep forever ...


On the table lies a photograph of my family on a small boat in the blue Pacific. As how I remembered, it was a sunny day. My family went on a trip which was sponsored by my generous friend. We had a great time. The colour was mainly blue, just like the colour of the...


我看见烟子从窗户里飘出来,还以为着火了.就用水去灭火,结果是有人在吸烟。I saw smoke coming out from the window, thought it was on fire. The water to the fire, the result is people smoking.


请你用英语描述下面这几张图片。用英语表达:Please describe the following pictures in English.

这张图片描述了英语 怎么用英语描述一张图片 英语对比描述两张图片 用英语描述一张喜欢的照片 用英语描述一张曲线图 用英文描述一张图片 描述一张图片英语怎么写 150字描述一张照片英语 描述一张照片英语作文
新手学视频剪辑难吗?考影视剪辑证书有用吗? 炒肉末怎么炒嫩又好吃 12岁娃,吃了坏了的豆腐丝多久有反应 肉馅怎么炒做好吃又简单 OPPOr7 plus 看过的微信视频怎么删除,文件管理里面搜索没有视频,但是... 大话西游2新区卖身过9 10 11 12 13 14 1-6座 1-3转鬼要多钱最合适_百度... 我想去国外生活怎么办我个子185喜欢健身。英文不错 如何在国外能够站住脚,想去国外生活 祥十二生肖是什么动物 祥云的动物是什么生肖,玄机字:祥 啥时能为逝去的先辈立碑修坟?有啥讲究 PowerPoint无法登录如何解决? 如何用英语描述一张图片 3dmax vary材质 如何在玻璃上贴图? 一般玻璃杯或玻璃瓶是用什么软件设计的? 祖坟垮塌必须在清明节前后修吗? 大寒节和清明那天修坟更好 坐南朝北的祖坟什么日子修? 压缩机怎样改充气泵...... 我想请人用英语帮我描述一张图片 (关于飞机在空中放油) 修坟墓定要大寒季节后才能修吗 用英文介绍这幅图片,150词以上 帮忙用英语描述一下这张图片,100字左右 修坟为什么要到大寒节气 急~~~请用英语描述下面这张图片,100字左右,但不要用From the picture,we can see。。。 这些话 3DS MAX 做一个瓶玻璃(在玻璃瓶上帖上PNG透明花纹),求思路 用英文介绍一下图片,十句左右,最好带翻译。谢谢 3Dmax渲染玻璃瓶子出现黑点是为什么?? 英语作文:描述一张照片 3DMAX 如何渲染出一个可以以假乱真的玻璃瓶 求步骤 参数 哪些地方贴什么图 设置什么 最好有图 谢谢 用英语描述这幅图片,100词左右 哪位高手会3DMAX的? 制作PPT需要登录吗?必须联网才能用吗? 迁坟的讲究 修祖坟只能是清明和冬至吗 “LR”是什么意思? 求ppt怎么打开,为什么我登录不上office 祖坟开裂要不要去修补 101教育PPT登录和不登录有什么区别? 为什么耳机标有LR即左右,若带反了,有什么危害不? ...我想给爷爷奶奶的坟添点土,听说大寒这个节气可以。谢谢各位帮忙回答... PPT连接access数据库,怎样做密码验证的登录界面? 耳机LR什么意思 大寒期间可以修新坟吗 修墓什么时候修好 新坟每年大寒可以补坟吗? 父亲过世不到一年,今年又闰月修坟有说法吗? 做微商怎么找客源快速加好友方法 微商怎么做怎么快速加好友找精准客源,简单易学的微营销秘籍 如何在PPT中设置模拟登陆页面?