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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-16 17:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 18:38

翻译:"In 2005 2 lunar motions open the school, and through the schoolrecommendation, relates Light Country Co., Ltd. To takes on in thiscompany initial period: Instrial building approval. Proctionequipment installment. Maintenance instruction. Participates in theplant proction workshop, the office building rationalization layoutplan. After in the same year in May is put on regular status I take onengineering dept assistant engineer in this company, is responsiblefor the original material the equipment. Supplier's screening (companyscale is smaller, does not have professional purchase). Factory initial period plan. Some factory supporting facilitieslocalization purchases (an air compressor, an ohm, a volt-ohm meter)And takes on the company "the Property Rights" the acquisition ofinformation and handles the matters concerned. In August because this company sets up the research and developmentdepartment. Myself apply to be transferred to a new post research anddevelopment department engineer. During one's term or tenure in officeIndependent research and development design similar domestic proctSKD-61 all opens type exposed Thermostat. And to Taiwan parent companyproject class long specialized instruction training. Has a moreprofound understanding regarding Thermostat and its the associationinstry. Period also takes on the company proct and so on CQC VDEAn Gui authenticates the application the material preparation. And theentire journey participates in the factory to examine and toconsummate the improvement. Document disposition reorganization and soon related matters concerned. Later period continuously undertakes thecompany proct system regulation improvement. Structurerationalization improvement. Original material equipment. Mold 治具design to proction assistance work and so on processing. The depthrealizes these work regarding the proction importance. The summary, discovered in more than 2 years of work that, oneselfalso has very insufficient, continuously all is improving. The hopemay do in the new work is better."

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 18:39

In 2005 2 lunar motions open the school, and through the schoolrecommendation, relates Light Country Co., Ltd. To takes on in thiscompany initial period: Instrial building approval. Proctionequipment installment. Maintenance instruction. Participates in theplant proction workshop, the office building rationalization layoutplan. After in the same year in May is put on regular status I take onengineering dept assistant engineer in this company, is responsiblefor the original material the equipment. Supplier's screening (companyscale is smaller, does not have professional purchase). Factory initial period plan. Some factory supporting facilitieslocalization purchases (an air compressor, an ohm, a volt-ohm meter)And takes on the company "the Property Rights" the acquisition ofinformation and handles the matters concerned. In August because this company sets up the research and developmentdepartment. Myself apply to be transferred to a new post research anddevelopment department engineer. During one's term or tenure in officeIndependent research and development design similar domestic proctSKD-61 all opens type exposed Thermostat. And to Taiwan parent companyproject class long specialized instruction training. Has a moreprofound understanding regarding Thermostat and its the associationinstry. Period also takes on the company proct and so on CQC VDEAn Gui authenticates the application the material preparation. And theentire journey participates in the factory to examine and toconsummate the improvement. Document disposition reorganization and soon related matters concerned. Later period continuously undertakes thecompany proct system regulation improvement. Structurerationalization improvement. Original material equipment. Mold 治具design to proction assistance work and so on processing. The depthrealizes these work regarding the proction importance. The summary, discovered in more than 2 years of work that, oneselfalso has very insufficient, continuously all is improving. The hopemay do in the new work is better."

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 18:39

"2005 February leave a school, and pass a school recommend, contact Light Country Co.,Ltd.Arrive at should company initial stage take:Factory factory premises acceptance.Proce the equipments install.Maintenance instruction.Participate the factory proce a car and transact building rationalization layout programming.At the same year after May become positive I take an engineering department assistant engineer in our company and be responsible for original material of equipment.The sieving of the supplier.(company the scale be smaller, there is no full-time purchase)
Factory initial stage programming.Some factory assistance the fixed position of the equipments purchase.(an air compressor, an ohm, the a volt-ohm meter)Combine take a company 《the Property Rights 》of data collections and matter of carry out.
August set up development department because of the set of our company.Oneself the application adjust a term development department engineer.The period of the incumbency.Independence development design similar domestic whole open type SKD-61 bare Thermostat.Combine be subjected to in Taiwan parent company engineering lesson long profession instruction training.Connect to take instry to have to the Thermostat and it deeper of understanding.The period still take a company the CQC VDE of the proct etc. Anne rules attestation the data of the application preparation.Combine the whole distance participate factory reviewing and perfect improvement.Document allocation sorting etc. related affair.Empress the period has been undertake a company the manufacturing process of the proct an improvement.Structure rationalization improvement.Original material equipment.The design of the mold equipment in process etc. proce assistance work.The depth realize these works for the importance for proce.
Summary, in more than 2 years of work medium detection, the oneself still have very shortage, always all at improvement.The hope can do in newly of the work of better."
我要问一下掇刀医保局恢复正常上班吗? 医保卡是东宝区的怎么才能转到掇刀区 东宝人社局 医保局 空调扇和风扇有什么区别 ...上了技校,现在上了电大的大专,档案在自己手里怎么办? 高职扩招的档案从哪里来 专科没有毕业档案怎么办 技校没上完考上专科,档案怎么转 凉薯和红薯有什么区别 凉薯和山药一样吗 我是一名教师 评职称发表论文 不知道网上哪些机构好点 具体? 学校是否应该装空调 人身体的钾的正常值是多少65 为什么腾讯客服电话人工服务老是没人接,打了好多次了。356 爱就别徘徊,不要在那期望中等待 被冻结了怎么解封? 微信可以更改了?怎么改啊?5 身份证到期换办理都需要带什么东西498 设置好的还可以改吗?202 CAD里如何改成小四号字 在抖音听到的,小河里流水哗啦啦响,能不能啊不让妹妹这么难受,...4 歌词如果你想爱请你就不要徘徊是哪首歌2 碧蓝航线反击阵容怎么搭配 反击最强阵容推荐 碧蓝航线反击阵容怎么搭配 碧蓝航线反击阵容搭配攻略 谁知道吉隆坡国际机场的免税店 我坐亚航 那里的香烟便宜还是在...1 CATIA突然打不开文件,提示读取文档发生问题,加载操作失败。重装catia还是... 年糕和香菜怎么做好吃 怎样写syb的心得3 牙膏加白醋可以去斑吗 牙膏和白醋能一起用吗120 一位残疾人开店没办营业执照犯法吗?2 蓑毛是什么意思1472 来说说你们的奇葩室友有哪些奇葩的地方?96 蓑毛是什么意思? 现在150卢布能对换多少人民币?2 装蓝牙耳机的盒子怎样装有线耳机? 买太平洋金泰人生保险,如果被保险人得了保险范围内的重大疾病,保险公司... 雷锋的资料(短一点的),急用~~~ 人体血液中的钾离子正常值为多少?6 你的微信被别人锁住了怎 么打 解开锁3 人体正常离子水平?46 钾离子浓度对身体的影响57 :重庆幸运农场怎么玩30 我体检报告出来什么都正常,就尿常规隐血3+有什么事吗14 请问:重庆幸运农场窍门24 海贼王中达旦是谁11 牛奶加枣泡着喝好不好2 海贼王中达旦出现的集数。26 新版2015年人民币豹子号能换多少人民币3 为什么腾讯客服电话人工服务老是没人接,打了好多次了。356 150000卢比多少人民币3 有哪些适合初中生看的课外书?