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用ask sb to do sth造句(初一)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 03:09



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 02:38

1、She asks me not to play with them.


2、Mom asks me to help her do some housework.


3、He will ask me to do it for him.


4、Mary asked Jack to do the chores with her.


5、Mom asked me to help him with the dishes.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 02:38

He will ask me to do it for him.
Mary asked Jack to do the chores with her.
Mom asked me to help him with the dishes.
The kid asked me to play with him.
I want to ask my friend to help me with this problem, but the teacher doesn't allow.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 02:39

I asked to see the Director. 我要求见主任。

Couldn't you ask Jon to the party? 你不能邀请乔恩参加聚会吗

She said she had been asked to take two suitcases to Africa by a man called Sean.她说有个名叫肖恩的男人要她带两个手提箱去非洲。

She asked me back to her house. 她又邀请我去了她家。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 02:39

he asked me to go for a walk with him

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 02:40

用ask sb to do sth造句
Ask sb, esp politely, in speech or writing to do sth
用ask sb to do sth造句(初一)

1、She asks me not to play with them.她叫我不要跟他们玩。2、Mom asks me to help her do some housework.妈妈要求我帮她做家务。3、He will ask me to do it for him.他会让我为他做。4、Mary asked Jack to do the chores with her.玛丽让杰克和她一起做家务。5、Mom asked me...


Tom asks Liu Tao to play football with him.


要求某人做某事 双语例句 1 Ask sb, esp politely, in speech or writing to do sth (以口头或书面形式)要求,(尤指)请求某人做某事 2 Some websites ask star to do sth for sb appropriative model, people is dressing up the clothes that oneself pick to like in the process of star...

用ask sb. for sth.造句,并翻译句子中文意思

He asked me for money 他向我要钱


ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 He will ask me to do it for him.他会让我为他做。Mary asked Jack to do the chores with her.玛丽让杰克和她一起做家务。


1. Had need(to) do sth.No other application will be competing with yours, so don’t waste space, but don’t be shy about taking what you need to do the job.这时没有其他应用会和你在使用的这个独占应用相竞争,因此不要浪费空间,为了满足自己工作所需而不要畏缩。This is easy ...


need sob to do sth 需要某人做某事 We need you to finish this part as soon as possible.我们需要用你尽快完成这部分。She need us to help her improve her English.她需要我们帮助她提高英语。


help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 (to 可以省去)He helps me (to) learn English. 他帮助我学习英语。They often help those poor children (to) go to school. 他们经常帮助那些贫穷的孩子上学。

用Help sb.(To) do sth造句 在线等

I help my mother to do housework.help的用法:可以是help sb.do sth.也可以是help sb.to do sth.这里的to可以省略。希望我的答案对你有帮助

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