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make judgment 与make inference ...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-25 06:31



make judgment 与make inference 区别 请高手速来指教。

make judgement是指判断一件事情的对错 ,类似于根据自己的想法给事情定性的意思 make inference是指由某些线索推论的出来结果,结论。例如:You seemed to know about this book, and by inference I thought you had read it.你好像了解这本书, 因此我推断你已读过它了。


单片机,即单片微控制器,也称为单片微型计算机,是将中央处理器(CPU)、存储器(ROM,RAM)、输入/输出接口和其他功能部件集成在一块 在一个小块的集成电路上,从而实现对整个电路或系统的数字式控制。单片机不是完成某一个逻辑功能的芯片,而是把一个计算机系统集成到一个芯片上。 单片机的体积小、质量轻、价格便宜、为学习、应用和开发提供了便利条件。在没有被开发前,单片机只是一片超大规模集成电路, 什么也做不了。 必须对它编程,赋予它特定的运行程序,它才成为一个最小的、完整的微型计算机控制系统。单片机,单片微型计算机。它是把中央处理器(CPU)、随机存取存储器(RAM)、只读存储器(ROM)、输入/输出端口(I/O)等主要计算机功能部件都集成在一块集成电路芯片上的微型计算机。单片机具有性能高、速度快、体积小、价格低、稳定可靠、应用广泛、通...


but also has good logical basis for this way can we make their own accuracy appropriate, fluent flow, in line with the Chinese habit;As a result, the translation of the article, science and technology must not only be good to follow the logic of the law, the translator has a...


That will make the judgment of gas difference.笨蛋虽笨,但是还有比他更笨的笨蛋为他喝彩。Stupid, but there are more stupid than him, he cheers.对于一个伟大人物来说,任何事物都不是微不足道的。For a great man, nothing is trivial.最平淡无奇的犯罪行为往往却是最神秘的,因为它看不出有什么新奇或...


Robot capacity evaluation criteria include: intelligent, and the perception that feeling, including memory, calculation, comparison, identification, judgment, decision-making, learning and logical reasoning; function that flexibility, versatility or space possessory; physics can that power, speed,...


Only when the both parties are comparable, and when they can be examined and estimated according to mutual standard, it’s possible that we make the study meaningful.PARA THREE Secondly, data collection and detailed desription.Speaking of this thesis, data collection includes reference ...

英语阅读技巧与实践 BOOK2 答案 刘学明编的 湖南师范大学出版社_百度知 ...

1. heat, temperature 2 feet 3 too 4 away 5 make 6 make 7 off 8 not 9 off 10 offExercise 19Group 1. CDBA Group 2 CDBAGroup 3 CABDGroup 4 DABCExercise 21Passage 1 AACBPassage 2 BCABA CACPassage 3 ADBAC ABPassage 4 BACDAIntroduction and comprehension Exercise 11---5 C A D D ...


If one wants to read an article, find out the main idea, use the information provided by the articles for inference, judgment, reasoning, he or she must master not only English language knowledge, but also a certain degree of expertise or background knowledge. When students were reading an ...

reason 和cause的区别是什么?

很简单,两者都表理由或原因。reason着重指解释或说明某事发生的理由或原因,cause着重指产生或造成某事发生的原因,往往指造成不好的影响。下面见两个例子:1.The reason for which he was late was that he got up late.2.The cause of the accident was his carelessness....


"The outbreak," I returned, "will make a tremendous occasion of Thursday night;" and everyone so agreed with me that, in the light of it, we lost all attention for everything else. The last story, however incomplete and like the mere opening of a serial, had been told; we handshook...


(2) polymer monomer judgment1 polyethyleneThe chain for two carbon atoms, as the monomer vinyl type, such as:2 butadiene tacklesThe chain is four carbon atoms, and between two carbon atoms have C = C, it should find tackles, such as: monomer butadiene3 mixed(1) when the chain has four...

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