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那位好心人帮忙英语造句 句型如下 每个句型造十句(前面一般式,后面将来是)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 06:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:01

I find it easy to swim.
I find it interesting to read books.
I find it hard to jump rope.
I find it funny to watch little kids.
I find it sad to listen to sad love songs.
I find it great to exercise.
I find it difficult to do my homework.
I find it tirring to go to school.
I find it relaxing to listen to music
I find it exciting to watch TV.

It's good for young people to study.
It's hard for Lucy to dive.
It's interesting for me to learn English.
It's difficult for him to play basketball.
It's annoying for John to take care of his brother.
It's boring for me to watch soap dramas.
It's easy for me to play piano.
It's exciting for me to visit my friends.
It's tirring for me to swim.
It's hard for me to learn Spanish.

Something must be done to stop them from suffering.
Something must be done to improve her grades.
Something must be done to stop him from crying
Something must be done to have Lily start learning.
Something must be done to encourage the members.
Something must be done to stop an accident.
Something must be done to help my brother from losing his confidence.
Something must be done to save my hometown from the disaster.
Something must be done to start him to think about his life.
Something must be done to help the animals.

There are so many people in my room.
There is a wolf in front of me.
There were gifts under the tree.
There is a kid waiting for you.
There are many disasters happening in the world.
There was a story about this hero.
There was a song he wrote for her.
There are my people who like me.
There is an ant.
There is a clock next to my bed.

太多了。。。。。。。。受不了了 提高悬赏啊我再写!!拜托真的很多诶
什么叫 “前面一般时后面将来时”??不是所有句型吧?有些没法那样啊

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:01

I find it difficult to do my homework.
It's difficult for me to do my homework.
Some work must be done to prepare for the coming test.
There is a cat.
I work hard in order to prepare for the coming test.
If i were you ,i would go out.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:02

I find it difficult to do my homework.
It's difficult for me to do my homework.
Some work must be done to prepare for the coming test.
There is a cat.
I work hard in order to prepare for the coming test.
If i were you ,i would go out.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:02

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