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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 03:19



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 04:20

Where did you go on vacation?
Good morning dear judges, I’m No. ____. It's my great honor to be here to share my teaching ideas. Can I start?
In order to explain what to teach, how to teach and why do so. I put my presentation into several parts: analysis of teaching material and students, teaching aims, teaching methods teaching proceres and so on.
First of all, I will focus on the analysis of teaching material. This lesson is from the section A, Unit 1 of PEP English book for junior high school, grade 8. And the main topic of this lesson is where did you go on vacation. It is the last part of this unit, so it can lay a good foundation for the further study. After learning this lesson, students are able to use simple past tense. Meanwhile, their listening and speaking ability would be developed.
The second part is analysis of students. Students in junior high school are generally interested in English. They have strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge and the topic is relevant to their experience, so students will be interested in this topic.
According to the new curriculum standard, the teaching materials and the students’ present situation. I set the aims as follows:the first one is knowledge aims, students are able to recognize the words such as future, plan, become and are able to master simple future tense. This is also the key point of this lesson. Next is ability aims, Students can get the main idea about what they are talking about after listening, and can get some useful information from the conversation. And students can improve their listening and speaking abilities through making a role play. Next is emotional aim. Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and can take part in speaking activities actively. And this is also the difficult point of this lesson.
After those analysis, as for the students are the subject in my class, I will talk about the teaching and study methods. I’ll mainly use “Task-based teaching method” “Communicative language teaching method” .
As we all know teaching aids are very important for my class, so I will mainly use multi-media, tape recorder.
Now, Let’s come to the most important parts of my teaching plan--- teaching proceres. It is made up of 5 steps. They are warming up, pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening, summary and homework. Now let’s go to the first step warming up. After greeting the students, I will show some short pieces of display of some famous places and ask them to talk about their own travel experience. Then lead the new lesson. In the pre-listening step, I will ask then to look the picture on the book and to predict what the listening material will talk about. The third step is while-listening. Firstly, I would ask students to listen to the tape and tell me what does this listening material talking about. At the second time of listening, I will ask students to answer some questions about the detail information and complete the shower schele. The next step is Post-listening. I would ask them to read the dialogue first. And work in pairs to perform this dialogue. Then I will ask some groups to share their role-play with us. Then make their own conversations. At last I will ask some students to show themselves at the front. Role play is a very interesting activity. Students could take part in it very actively. Through this section, students could improve their speaking ability, they could also be brave enough to express themselves in public. Before the ending, I will ask students to act as an assistant teacher to conclude what we have learned in this class. And then make a summary together.
Finally, I would set a piece of homework for: Do a survey on the favorite place their family like and why. Describe it to the class. The last part is the analysis of the blackboard design. This is the title of the the new lesson. The left part is the key words and sentence pattern. The right part is the main idea and the questions I will ask ring the lesson.
That all for my teaching design. Thank you for your listening and welcome you questions.
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