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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 11:37



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 17:49

Johannes Vermeer - Girl with a pearl earring

Why is the Girl with the pearl earring Vermeer’s best-loved painting? It must have something to do with the fact that the girl looks over her shoulder, as though hoping to see who is standing behind her. This draws the viewer into the picture, suggesting that he is the one who has made the girl turn her head.

Equally important, though, are Vermeer’s fresh colours, virtuoso technique and subtle rendering of light effects. The turban is enlivened, for example, with the small highlights that are Vermeer’s trademark. The pearl, too, is very special, consisting of little more than two brushstrokes: a bright accent at its upper left and the soft reflection of the white collar on its underside.

Then there is the girl herself, who gazes at us, wide-eyed, her sensual mouth parted. She makes an uninhibited, somewhat expectant impression that cannot help exciting our interest, even though we have no idea who she is.

View of Delft

This, the most famous painting by Vermeer, was part of the Amsterdam sale of 1696, no. 31: "The town of Delft in perspective, to be seen from the south, by J. van der Meer of Delft; fl 200." Sale S. J. Sinistra et al., Amsterdam; 1822, no. 112. For F 2,900 to de Vries. Purchased by the state of the Netherlands.

Topographic views of cities had become a tradition by the time Vermeer painted his famous canvas. Hendrik Vroom was the author of two such works depicting Delft, but they are more archaic because they followed the traditional panoramic approach that we remember from the two cityscapes by Hercules Seghers at the Berlin museum. The latter artist was one of the first to make use of the inverted Galilean telescope to transcribe the preliminary prints and their proportions (more than twice as high as wide) into the more conventional format of his paintings.

Vermeer executed his View of Delft on the spot, but the optical instrument pointed toward the city and providing the artist with the aspect translated onto canvas, which we admire for its conciseness and special structure, was not the camera obscura but the inverted telescope. It is only the latter that condenses the panoramic view of a given sector, diminishes the figures of the foreground to a smaller than normal magnification, emphasizes the foreground as we see it in the picture, and by the same token makes the remainder of the composition recede into space. The image thus obtained provides us with optical effects that, without being unique in Dutch seventeenth-century painting, as often claimed, convey a cityscape that is united in the composition and enveloped atmospherically into glowing light.

We admire the town, but it is not a profile view of a township, but a painting, an idealized representation of Delft, with its main characteristics simplified and then cast into the framework of a harbour mirroring selected reflections in the water, and a rich, full sky with magnificent cloud formations looming over it. This is chronologically the last painting by Vermeer that was executed in rich, full pigmentation, with colour accents put in with a fully loaded brush. The artist outdid himself in a rendition of his hometown, which stands as a truly great interpretation of nature.

这幅作品,名为《戴珍珠耳环的少女》,是荷兰画家维米尔的经典之作。其英文标题为《The Girl with a Pearl Earring》,蕴含着深沉的艺术韵味和无尽的审美价值。一、画面呈现与情感表达 画面中的少女,面容恬静,眼神深邃,仿佛沉浸在自我世界中。她佩戴的珍珠耳环,在阳光下熠熠生辉,为整幅画面增添了一...


The enduring popularity of Johannes Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring" lies in its captivating composition and technical prowess. The girl's enigmatic gaze, captured as she turns her head over her shoulder, draws viewers into the scene, making them feel like intruders in her wor...


Johannes Vermeer - Girl with a pearl earring Why is the Girl with the pearl earring Vermeer’s best-loved painting? It must have something to do with the fact that the girl looks over her shoulder, as though hoping to see who is standing behind her. This draws the viewer int...

一碗英语|书籍推荐 《戴珍珠耳环的少女》: Life is a folly.

十七世纪的荷兰画家维米尔创作的《戴珍珠耳环的少女》(Girl with a Pearl Earring)可谓无人不知,被誉为“北方的蒙娜丽莎”,画中女子欲言又止、似说还笑的容颜打动了无数人,同样给英国女作家特蕾西·雪佛兰(Tracy Chevalier)带来了灵感,同名小说便由此诞生。在小说中,画家维米尔和画中的少女葛叶丽...








戴珍珠耳环的少女是一部深受观众喜爱的电影,其英文片名为Girl with a Pearl Earring。该片由才华横溢的导演彼得·韦伯执导,其深厚的叙事功底在影片中得到了充分展现。剧本由Olivia Hetreed精心编写,故事情节融合了剧情、爱情和传记元素,为观众带来了一场丰富的视觉与情感体验。影片的制作跨越了英国和卢森堡...




这位年轻女性就是玛丽·格拉维(Mary Graves),她后来成为了一位美国知名女性画家。画过很多裸体画作。也是《戴珍珠耳环的少女》(Le Price)。这幅画也是目前世界上收藏于美国宾夕法尼亚艺术博物馆的最大一幅油画——《戴珍珠耳环的少女》(The Graves of Pennsylva),在2013年1月以1....

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