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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 11:48



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 18:11

I think we should all know about recently
H7N9 of avian influenza virus thing? The country has
By how fatal case. Today I
Want to say is about H7N9 avian influenza virus
And we should be how to prevent some of the symptoms.
Symptoms: fever, cough and other acute respiratory
Symptoms of infection, especially there will be a high fever,
Difficulty breathing. Preventive measures as follows:
1, strengthen physical exercise.
2, indoors ventilated take a breath
3, wash your hands often
4, less contact with poultry
5, poultry meat to cook, cooked before eating.
This is today I have to say, hope you to pay more attention to them.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 18:11

I think we should all know about recently
H7N9 of avian influenza virus thing? The country has
By how fatal case. Today I
Want to say is about H7N9 avian influenza virus
And we should be how to prevent some of the symptoms.
Symptoms: fever, cough and other acute respiratory
Symptoms of infection, especially there will be a high fever,
Difficulty breathing. Preventive measures as follows:
1, strengthen physical exercise.
2, indoors ventilated take a breath
3, wash your hands often
4, less contact with poultry
5, poultry meat to cook, cooked before eating.
This is today I have to say, I hope
To pay more attention to.
望采纳 谢谢

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 18:12

H7N9 is pervasive these days. It is fatal and has already caused many deaths around our country. I am sure everyone has general ideas about this new virus-H7N9. However, general is not enough, we should get familiar to the symptoms and know about the treasures to help us prevent NNthis virus. Fever, cough and infection of respiratory are major symptoms of H7N9 patients. Especially when people get high fever and difficulty breathing.
In order to keep healthy and get away from the virus, we should:
1 strengthen physical exercise.
2 breath fresh air
3 wash hand frequently
4 less contact with animous
5 eat cooked meat.
we need to take care about this issue and hope everybody has a healthy body.
Thanks very much!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 18:12

I think we should all know about the thing H7N9 avian flu virus recently? Have been many cases of deaths across the country. Today I want to say is about H7N9 symptoms of bird flu virus and we should be how to prevent. Symptoms are: acute respiratory infection symptoms such as fever, cough, especially there will be a high fever, difficulty breathing. Preventive measures as follows: 1, strengthen physical exercise. 2, indoor ventilation is pay attention to 3, wash your hands often 4, less 5 contact with birds, poultry meat to cook, cooked before eating. This is today I have to say, hope you to pay more attention to them.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 18:13

I think we all should know that recently has H7N9 avian flu virus thing, right? there have been many instances of deaths throughout the country. today, I want to say is about H7N9 avian flu virus symptoms, and how we should go to prevention. Symptoms: fever, acute respiratory symptoms such as cough, particularly high fever, breathing difficulties may occur.Preventive measures are: 1, strengthening exercise.2, indoor pay attention to ventilation 3, wash 4, less contact 5, poultry and poultry meat to Cook, Cook and eat again. These are what I want to say today, hope to pay more attention.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 18:14

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