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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-10 01:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 08:20


long long ago,there were a king and a queen.they prayed everyday:"what if we have a child?"And soon,they had a beautiful daughter.



The king was very glad,and held a grant banquet,and invited all his relatives and friends.and some fairies of his country.There were thirteen fairies in the country.but the king only prepared twelve gold plates.So one fairy was not invited.after the banquet,the fairies blessed the girl one by one.


the first one gave her"morality",


the second gave her "apperance",


the third gave her "propriety".


the others gave her best wishes one after another.


the eleventh had just finished,the fairy that had not been invited came,she was very angry.because the king did not invited her,she said:"the princess will be hurt by a spindle and die."Then she left.


The twelfth tairy had not blessed the princess,but she could not relieve the curse.she could only temper it and make it not so serious.she said:"The princess will not die.she will sleep a hundred years."


In order to escape from the curse,the king order that all the spindles in the country should be destroyed.all the wishes given by the twelve fairies came into reality.The princess became a beautiful,kind and lovely girl,On her fifteenth birthday,the princess went to play on an old bell tower,she saw an old woman was weaving with a spindle.The little princess was very curious,But as soon as she put her hand on the spindle,she fell asleep.


The sickness of sleep spread quickly:the king,the queen,all the people and animals in the palace slept.even the burning fire in the furnace had gone to sleep


A lot of roses grew around the palace,Year after year,the roses grew taller and taller.The story came for many years in the country,many young princes tried to go through the rose forest and find the princess,but the all failed.because the roses grew together and they could not go into the palace


A hundred years passed,and a young prince came to the city and he tried to go into the city to find the sleeping beauty,At the moment,the branches of roses parted automatically,and the prince went into the palace safely.he found everyone sleeping in the palace,he kept walking and found the sleeping beauty,She was so beautiful that he could not help kissing her.


At that moment the princess woke up,She looked at the prince soulfully.the prince and the princess went downstairs hand in hand,The other people in the palace also woke up and went on doing what they did.The prince and princess loved each other and they held a grant wedding ceremony and lived happily ever after.


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