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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-18 00:54



热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 05:50

From the effectiveness of latter modernism, the popular culture becomes multiple, edged, random, distinct and folk that denies the esthetical progress and cultural idea of traditional art. Pop songs, as one of the expressions of folk culture, are familiar to people’s life and reflect various of social incidents and people’s complex emotion. But this kind of new-borned art expression cannot be accepted by the elites and is criticized sharply because they think it is unbearably vulgar and extreme. They ignore that the lyric, as the words part of songs, is the expressing way of people’s emotion, one of the ideologies of your mind and gets the independently literal and special esthetical worth. The long historical cultural psychology of our nation makes people get a serious and deep confidence of our traditional culture and this kind of confidence makes people prefer and go after the sense beauty. From the study of appearance and performance of Chinese traditional sense in modern lyrics, this paper will explain the inheritance and development of traditional culture of our nation.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 05:50

After comes under the modernism ideological trend influence, the massculture presents the polytropism, the edge, random, different and thecommon custom characteristic, in the certain degree denied thetraditional literary arts esthetics pursue and the cultural faith. Thepopular song although is one of mass culture manifestations, but itdraws close to people's life, was reflecting the ever changing socialphenomenon, is reflecting the people complex complex emotion demand.But this kind of kind of newborn artistic form is actually notaccepted by the outstanding person scholar, they thought it is curriesfavor with the world and is extreme, incisively carries on the attackto it. But they neglected the lyrics to take the song the writing werepartial, was the people emotion demand expression way, was one ofsocial consciousness shapes, had the relatively independent literatureand its the unique esthetic value. The Chinese nation the culturalpsychology which form to the glorious history, enables the people tohave the in-depth to the traditional culture spirit the sympathy, thiskind of approval lets the people intend or accidentally advocate, thepursue ideal condition is beautiful. This article through to theChinese classical ideal condition in the contemporary popular lyricsperformance research, will expound the contemporary popular lyrics tothe Chinese nation traditional culture inheritance and thedevelopment.
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