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你的Windows内部版本将于2016/10/1 过期,,虽没有购买win10,但是是内部预览版会

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 09:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:01

预览版本身是有期限的。并且,微软已经发出了公告。如果不升级到 14926 ,到 10 月 1 日开始每 3 小时电脑会自动重启一次。到 10 月 15 日后,再不升级,电脑将无法正常启动。
如果你是会员,就以会员身份登录后,升级到 14926 就行了。14926 的过期期限是 2017 年 5 月 1 日。
Just as we’ve always done with pre-release versions of Windows, Insider Preview builds have expiration dates. Starting tomorrow September 15th, PCs running really old Insider Preview builds will start to see build expiration notifications once a day. Then on October 1st, these PCs will start rebooting every 3 hours and then on October 15th – these PCs will stop booting all together. If your PC is running one of these old Insider Preview builds, please make sure you update to Build 14926 via Settings > Update & security > Windows Update. Build 14926 has an updated expiration date of May 1st, 2017. If your PC is running the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Build 14393) in the Slow and Release Preview rings today – this does not apply to you and you will not be notified of your build expiring.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:01

预览版本身是有期限的。并且,微软已经发出了公告。如果不升级到 14926 ,到 10 月 1 日开始每 3 小时电脑会自动重启一次。到 10 月 15 日后,再不升级,电脑将无法正常启动。
如果你是会员,就以会员身份登录后,升级到 14926 就行了。14926 的过期期限是 2017 年 5 月 1 日。
Just as we’ve always done with pre-release versions of Windows, Insider Preview builds have expiration dates. Starting tomorrow September 15th, PCs running really old Insider Preview builds will start to see build expiration notifications once a day. Then on October 1st, these PCs will start rebooting every 3 hours and then on October 15th – these PCs will stop booting all together. If your PC is running one of these old Insider Preview builds, please make sure you update to Build 14926 via Settings > Update & security > Windows Update. Build 14926 has an updated expiration date of May 1st, 2017. If your PC is running the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Build 14393) in the Slow and Release Preview rings today – this does not apply to you and you will not be notified of your build expiring.
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