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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 09:06



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 08:04

DearLihua, I'msorrytohearthatyouareill.Yourfamilytellsmethatyouareprogressingnicely,andthatyouwillbeoutofthehospitalinabouttendays. You'dbetterhaveagoodrestanddosome exercisesbecauseitisgoodforyou.Andyoushouldeatmorefruitandvegetablesanddrinkmorewater.Youdon'tworryaboutyourstudy.I'llhelpyou.AndIhopeyouwillsoonrecover. Inthenextdayorsoyouwillreceivealittlepackagefromme.Ihopeyoulikeit,andthatitwillhelptopassthetimemorepleasantly. Idohopeyouwillnotrushyourrecoveryinthatyouwillthinkofyourself,forachance,andhaveagoodrestbeforeyourreturntoyourregularwork.



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 08:04

Cheer up My Friend
Lucy is my best friend. She and I company and support each other. We share our happiness as well as sorrows. She is unhappy these days, because she didn’t do well in the final exam last week. She is upset. I told her that we all know she worked hard for it. She could do much better. A failure in exam doesn’t mean she was not good. I hope she can find out the reasons and correct the mistakes. Next time, she would do a great job.

好朋友生气了你应该怎样安慰她(英文)?不少于五句的英语作文:Hello Lisa,I know you’re angry at moment. What happened to you happens, please don’t be angry. As your best friend, I want to you tell me the truth, and leave all disappointments behind.Cheer up, Lisa. Your best...


It is important to learn to face the current situation and change your attitude. There are many ways which might be useful to help your friends change his or her mood when something unhappy happens. Firstly,

九年级英语作文: 假如你的朋友英语成绩非常好,学校叫他代表学校去参加英...

Come on,go,my dear friends.没有几个人会有这样子的机会,即使你什么奖也没有得也没有关系的.Not too much people have had this kind of chance,although you haven't had got any prize it doesn't matter.但是,这场英语比赛对你来说会是一次非常好的锻炼。But,this English contest to ...

英语作文 朋友因考试而紧张该怎么安慰

Always remember:no pains,no gains.There is just no need to worry about the final examination.Because your efforts was really paid out.All your sweats are meaningful,and everyone else in this class has already seen your progress.永远记住:不劳则无获。不必担心期末考试。因为你的努力真...


Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have...


Good luck to you Yours sincerely,Tom 亲爱的约翰,我很遗憾听到你在学习上不太如意。我写信是想告诉你,这不要紧,不管你是否取得好成绩,只要你在学习上尽力就行了。刻苦学习是一回事,但要取得好成绩是另一回事。约翰,不要本末倒置。一定要相信你自己。勇往直前。我认为你是一个聪明的学生。


Dear Jim,I'm sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I think you should have a rest . You shouldn't study late very night ,you should have a good rest. If you are too stressed out ,chinese doctor believe that you should eat more yin foods,like tofu. When you ...


Dear Emily I am sorry to hear that you are ill. You will feel better if you follow the doctor advice. When you are well again, I think you'd better do more exercise, such as, jogging, swimming, playing table tennis and so on because doing sports can make you strong and ...


Dear Tommy,I am really feeling bad that you are being troubled by overweight these days. I have read an article about overweight kids. It is said that overweight kids don't exercise enough or eat right. Some kids are overweight because fast food restaurants serve the wrong foods ...


朋友是在生活中不可缺少的,朋友能在你伤心的时候给予你他的安慰;朋友是一个在学习中的竞争伙伴,也是一个在游戏中伙伴.一个人没有朋友,会感到无比的孤独,因此我要感谢朋友.千金难买是朋友,在朋友快乐时,自己也能分享一份快乐.Friend is indispensable in our lives, my friend can you give you ...

安慰朋友心情失落的英语作文 如何安慰受伤的朋友英语作文 生病慰问信英语作文 宽慰朋友压力的英语作文 英语作文安慰建议鼓励信 英语作文鼓励不开心的人 英语作文关心生病的朋友 朋友伤心怎么安慰英语作文 慰问信英语作文带翻译
春天适合喝绿茶菊花茶决明子茶败火 苹果手机屏幕变大了 怎么缩小 请问电箱这样写着,能用多少功率的电器?多少会跳闸? 练腹肌时要怎麼加强度?是加组次数吗? 玫瑰花茶要怎么喝玫瑰花茶的搭配介绍 袋装牛奶和盒装牛奶是一样的吗 什么奶才是真牛奶 袋装牛奶和盒装牛奶是一样的吗 什么奶才是真牛奶 网上买的OPPO手机,没电了充的时候一直震动显示oppo图标就是不开机,为... 宾格瑞瓶装和盒装味道一样吗 怎样更换冰箱的插头? 18年奥迪A4L脚垫进水了全部换多少钱? 求一篇关心朋友的作文(不少于400字) 《朋友哭了,我来安慰》作文500字 John心情不好+作为好朋友应该如何安慰他英语作文 我考试考得差好朋友来安慰我的作文400多字左右,快速度 我不搬走,不想离开好朋友来安慰他的作文? 妈妈做手术朋友安慰我的作文 我头疼朋友安慰我的事作文四百字 朋友给我温暖600字作文 生病时朋友说的一句安慰作文500 4:失落时朋友的安慰(场景描写)片刻作文 朋友安慰也醉人的作文八百字。 朋友安慰我的作文开头结尾 昌黎县玉兰板业有限公司怎么样? 昌黎县合丰塑编有限公司怎么样? 安慰朋友的小作文 我朋友他丧了,怎么办? 昌黎县和谐彩印有限公司怎么样? 我心情不好我的朋友怎么样安慰我作文二百字 丝瓜是先开花后结果,还是先结果后开花? 2011年河北省秦皇岛市昌黎县教师招聘是要省里统一招吗? 淡奶油变稠了还能用么 雀巢淡奶油买回来是常温的,直接打了,又变稠一点点,但还是流动状 有没有描写家乡的景物的文章???速度 写家乡的一处景物的文章 描写家里的事物算不算环境描写 幼儿文学创作过程包含哪几个环节他们之间有什么关系? 求《媒体融合的芒果实践报告》全文免费下载百度网盘资源,谢谢~ 《媒体融合的芒果实践报告》epub下载在线阅读,求百度网盘云资源 lingo中如何注释一段 人在美国怎么下载芒果tv? 香蕉人的夹缝一代 求 妈妈是超人 第二季 百度网盘免费资源下载链接,谢谢 求 哈哈农夫 百度网盘免费资源下载链接,谢谢 网络电视怎么开机? 偏偏招惹他_by芒果炸酥_txt全文阅读,百度网盘免费下载 电信电视机怎么开机 金芒果粉丝节子淳合唱歌曲《你鼓舞我心》mp3从哪里下载? S凡NYO电视怎样开机看数字电视 胎记治疗 胎记去除 有哪些好方法??? 中国移动宽带电视待机怎样开机?