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以my favorite 为题的英语作文4

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-18 12:09



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 08:29

My favourite place in the world

They've travelled all over the globe but if they could return to just one special place which would it be? Carl Wilkinson asked 15 of the world's top travel writers to choose their all-time favourite destination

What appeals to me about revisiting Khotan is that it's like jumping back in time, like going back to the still heart sitting at the centre of Asia. It's a little-known oasis city in the middle of north-west China with the Taklimakan Desert to its north. The Taklimakan is the deadliest desert on earth - its name means 'once you go in you never come out'.

You have to be rather determined to get to Khotan. There's no railway. You have to take a bus from Kashgar, which is several hundred miles to the north-west. It's been closed to foreigners until fairly recently and I first went a couple of years ago. It has a great history. It was on the 2,000-year-old southern Silk Road between China and the West so it has a feel of ancientness about it. You can wander off into the desert on a day's camel ride and find ruins and the tombs of holy men sitting in this very strange and very dead desert. They still manufacture hand-spun silk in the old-fashioned way. You can wander about the rivers that come down from the Tibetan plateau and find jade in them.

The city appeals to me because it escapes any strong sense of belonging to a particular nation or even to a particular period of history. It belongs to a world when national boundaries and identities didn't really exist, when people identified themselves more by religion or city or clan. That's part of its appeal.

What I think you gain from visiting it is a sense of proportion. The urgency of the modern is not present. You gain a sense of quietude. It's a multicultural city in that it's a little bit Chinese, a little bit Indian and it's Islamic. The effect is of a multi-layered city which is so ethnically diverse that you feel like you're meeting the world there.

· Colin Thubron is an award-winning travel writer and novelist. His most recent novel, To The Last City (Chatto), tells of a group of travellers in Peru

My favourite columnist
I do a sort of regular slot on Saturday mornings on the Adrian Chiles show on Radio 5. I've referred before to my annual jousts on it with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown; the procers know a good thing when they see it, and have us on the last programme of the year to do a round-up, knowing that sparks will, as they say, fly.

Anyway, the show has been off the air for nearly two months for the World Cup, and it's back on Saturday. Guess who's on with me. Yup, you got it...for it is she.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 08:30

My favourite place in the world

They've travelled all over the globe but if they could return to just one special place which would it be? Carl Wilkinson asked 15 of the world's top travel writers to choose their all-time favourite destination

What appeals to me about revisiting Khotan is that it's like jumping back in time, like going back to the still heart sitting at the centre of Asia. It's a little-known oasis city in the middle of north-west China with the Taklimakan Desert to its north. The Taklimakan is the deadliest desert on earth - its name means 'once you go in you never come out'.

You have to be rather determined to get to Khotan. There's no railway. You have to take a bus from Kashgar, which is several hundred miles to the north-west. It's been closed to foreigners until fairly recently and I first went a couple of years ago. It has a great history. It was on the 2,000-year-old southern Silk Road between China and the West so it has a feel of ancientness about it. You can wander off into the desert on a day's camel ride and find ruins and the tombs of holy men sitting in this very strange and very dead desert. They still manufacture hand-spun silk in the old-fashioned way. You can wander about the rivers that come down from the Tibetan plateau and find jade in them.
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