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明星英文简历 郑元畅

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 09:40



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 16:11

Nick name: small ensemble
Nick name origin: five years ago one evening, zheng dad looked after the show started surname whim, said to help yuan chang zheng change a name, the name that yuan chang dad to have a "zong" word will be obedient, and also feel with fresh chang yuan. With their friends and chang yuan said later call little ensemble, until now, but didn't change id CARDS friends have called habit. Don't know that he will not used in, he called him, so everyone can chang yuan.
English: JOSEPH (great gabito JOE)
Height: 188 centimeters
Weight: 78 kilograms
Birthday 1982.6.19: taichung city life BeiTun area (18 years),
Constellations: Gemini
Degree: love elementary school, high school, bbca unpractical ideals preached, and enthusiastic counseling (a beautiful memory).
Type O blood:
12 my shoe size
Measurements: 40.32.39
Family: father, mother, sister
Like the colour: white, black
Interests: watching movies, online game (everquest), computer games (2) JiXia xianjian preached, paint, playing tennis
Personality: approachable, easygoing, not what I'll mind mine), disposition optimistic, cheerful.
Abstract: enjoy painting style, also like Dudley's works.
Feats: swimming, any swim type will draw, tennis, oh, cartoons, sketch watercolour (.).
Song: how about bad _ ~ ~
Myopic degree, more than 400 degrees
Hair: natural roll
Mantra: good HIGH!
English: bad, study.
Work experience: more exquisite.
Appreciate YiXing types: short motile, lively, cheerful and optimistic.
Family of yuan chang into view: don't support (nor opposed, not evil.
Hobbies: usually stays at home.
Like the movie type: inspire love imbroglio of (the).
Favorite movie: dance life, instinctive reactions.
Like the singer eason:, Karen mok man-wai, Madonna.
Like the actress: Kate Blanche and sammi cheng.
Like the actor: Anthony Hopkins, Jim carrey, Leslie cheung, chow.
Like Japan artists: depressions, and the interface. The past GongZeLiHui
Monster: the monster like cartoon PuZe (straight tree works I love JinTianYi) murder incident, thin young's night.
Like cartoon characters: me! (kwai)
Like the novel types: the first intimate contact (I like this style of the legendary (dragon), the medieval gun novel), Wesley life channeling legend.
Want to go to the country: Japan, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Indonesia BALI (.).
Like the kind of music: pop music, sofa
What animals like cats and dogs. :
Like the food but not picky, strawberry (), coke.
Like the brand: o, sauce (ha ha! It's really expensive think good)
Like reading? YES!
Like shopping? YES! But no time...
What things? Fear People than ghost is horrible. Sinister
Ordinary dressing style: simple for the principle that focus on accessories jewelry modelling changeable, shoes, like to try all kinds of modeling. Wearing a suit really more mature.
The most impressive things: first, super large show nervous! Because only a new me.
Have you ever been senior model had bullied? No, everybody is very kind to me. ^ _ ^
Which one is the most hard over the CASE? Commercials! Standing in the light will open eyes, ha ha ~ pretty hard.
A good model is defined? The clothes or proct, can achieve a better show, model, but not very important.
Will continue to be model? Don't give up, after all, April showers bring may flowers. From here, hope I can also have here bright eye. Hope to work with acting, but I really like acting.
And I hope all Fans do? Afternoon tea, chat.
Internet has spread to you not like the rumor, what would you do? Internet rumors I don't respond, because the Internet will only mud. Private parts or would want to keep the privacy.
Why in drama or show your skin is white, but is wheat color photograph? The professional makeup.
Can be reproced photos? I don't feel so good, because I want to family photos I share, but has spread didn't also way.
As a model in any job before? Once in taichung as a bar and restaurant waiter... etc.
Other countries have you visited? After hours of Japan (has been).
Like what kind of book? Scientific, civilized, aliens.
Love and a few years first kiss? How old high (forget).
Talk about a few times in love? 2 and 3 times.
Hate what's the car like? All play.
Hate what insects? Cockroaches mice, etc. Everyone dislikes me but hate.
The most embarrassing thing: elevator fart.
The most painful thing: elementary grade three parents divorced.
How interpretation "kwai ' 'the characters (such as in control and emotional) what? The homework before work more, go, go after kwai, although sometimes will still be at best, but the best performance, make.
There was going to support? On November 2, 2003 has been set up.
The evaluation of man how LANVIN? For me, too expensive so mature.
Whether in 2003 apec pop culture festival - international pop star - > overall modelling design? No, a pity.
When more than a year, including model professional training? There!
How were excavated as a model? My sister's friend.
Dream: retention, etc in said.
In the future, I expect and grow together.
Yuan chang sayings: learn together, grow up together!
小名: 小综
小名由来: 五年前的一个晚上,郑爸爸看了姓 名学的节目后,心血来潮,说要帮 元畅改名字,郑爸爸觉得元畅名字里要有个「综」字会比较听话,而 元畅也觉得满新鲜的。元畅便跟朋友们说以后就叫小综,到现在身分证都没改,可是朋友们已经叫习惯 了。不认识的人叫他小综,他会不习惯,所以大家可以叫他元畅。
英文名: JOSEPH ( 小名 JOE )
身高: 188 公分
体重: 78 公斤
生日: 1982.6.19 (台中市北屯区生活18年)
星座: 双子
学历: 仁爱国小、卫道中学、丰原高中(热衷康辅社,并有一段美好回忆) 。
血型: O型
鞋号: 12
三围: 40.32.39
家庭成员: 爸、妈、姊
喜欢颜色: 白、黑
兴趣: 看电影、线上游戏 ( 无尽的任务 )、 电脑游戏(仙剑奇侠传2)、画画、打 网球
个性: 平易近人、好相处、没什麼脾气(井水不犯河水)、乐观开朗。
欣赏画风: 抽象派画风,也喜欢达利的作品。
专长: 游泳,任何游式都会喔、网球、画画(水彩、漫画、素描) 。
歌声如何: 不好 ~_~
近视度数: 400多度
头发: 自然卷
口头禅: 好HIGH喔!
英文能力: 不好,学习中。
走秀经历: 走精品比较多。
欣赏异姓类型: 短发运动型,活泼开朗乐观。
家人对元畅进演艺圈 的看法: 不支持也不反对,不学坏就好。
平常嗜好: 待在家里。
喜欢电影类型: 感动人心类 (非爱情纠葛的) 。
最爱的电影: 舞动人生、本能反应。
喜欢的歌手: 陈亦迅、莫文蔚、玛丹娜。
喜欢的女演员: 凯特布兰奇、郑秀文。
喜欢的男演员: 安东尼霍普金斯、金凯瑞、张国荣 、 周星驰。
喜欢日本艺人: 漥冢洋介、宫泽理惠。
喜欢的漫画: 怪物 monster ( 浦泽直树的作品我都爱)金田一少年杀人事件簿、辉夜姬 。
喜欢的漫画人物: 我!( 葵 )
喜欢的小说类型: 第一次亲密接触(我喜欢这作者的文笔)、龙*传奇 (中古世纪的窠窜小说)、卫斯理传奇。
最想去的国家: 日本、希腊、罗马、埃及、印尼(BALI)。
喜欢的音乐类型: 流行乐、沙发音乐
喜欢什麼动物: 猫、狗。
喜欢的食物: 草莓 (而且不挑食)、可乐。
喜欢的品牌: 阿尼阿司贝(呵呵!太贵了想想就好)
喜欢看书吗? YES!
喜欢购物吗? YES!但没时间...
害怕什麼事物? 人心险恶比鬼还恐怖。
平常的穿衣style: 简单为原则,觉得造型重点放在配件饰品鞋子,喜欢多变,愿意尝试各式各样的造型。穿西装的确比较成熟。
印象最深刻的事: 第一次做大型精品秀,超紧张的! 因为只有我一个新人。
有没有被资深模特儿 欺负过? 没有,大家都对我很好。^_^
接过哪一件最辛苦 的CASE? 拍广告吧!站在灯下还要张开眼睛,呵呵~蛮辛苦的。
一个好的模特儿的 定义是什麼? 能把衣服或是产品,达到一个最好的展现,模特儿不是主角,但很重要。
还会继续当模特儿吗? 不想放弃,毕竟饮水思源。我从这里起来,希望在这里也能有亮眼的成绩。希望能兼顾走秀与演戏,但是我热衷演戏 。
希望能和所有Fans 做什麼事? 喝下午茶,聊聊天。
网路上如有流传对你不 利的谣言,你会怎麼做? 网路上的谣言我一概不回应,因为网路这只会越描越黑。私生活的部分还是会想保持一点隐私。
为什麼在剧中或节目里 你的皮肤是白的,而照片 却是小麦色的? 化妆师的专业。
可转载图片吗? 我是觉得不太好,因为我的照片我想与家族的人分享,不过已经传的也没办法了。
当模特儿前从事过 什麼工作? 曾经在台中当过吧台、餐厅服务生....等等。
去过哪些国家? 日本(小时后去过)。
喜欢哪类的书? 科学、古文明、外星人。
初恋和初吻几岁? 高二 (忘了几岁了)。
谈过几次恋爱? 2、3次。
讨厌怎样的人? 耍心机的人。
讨厌什麼昆虫? 蟑螂 老鼠 ....等等大家讨厌的我都讨厌但 不怕。
最糗的事: 电梯里放屁。
最痛苦的事: 国小三年级爸妈离婚。
怎麼诠释''葵''这个角色 ( 例如怎麼融入及控制 情绪 )? 多做事前的功课,了解葵后,放开来去表演,虽然有时候还是会觉得别扭,但是尽全力罗,使表演做到最好。
有打算要成立后援会吗? 2003年11月2日已经成立。
对 LANVIN男女装的 评价如何? 对我来说太成熟了点,太贵了。
是否参加2003亚太流行 文化节-国际流行之星-> 整体造型设计? 没有,有点可惜。
当过一年多的模特儿, 是否包括专业训练? 有!
如何被发掘当模特儿的? 姊姊的朋友介绍的。
梦想: 保留,等达到在说。
对未来的期望: 和喜欢我的人一起成长。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 16:11

Name: Cheng Yuan Chang
Nickname: small mechanized
English name: JOSEPH (nickname JOE)
Korean name: 정원창
Height: 188cm
Weight: 76 kilograms
Age: 27 years old
Date of birth: June 19, 1982) (am born
Birthplace: Taiwan Taichung
Constellation: Gemini
Blood type: O type
No. of shoes: 12/44 (Taiwan version)
Measurements: 40.32.39
Little finger length: 7.5 cm
Family members: father, mother, sister
Personality: approachable, easy to get along, Nothing temper (井水不犯河水), optimistic, cheerful.
Man: kind, filial piety, diligence, good faith.
School: Jen Ai studied small, Guardian Road, eight middle school for three years, Fengyuan High School, is now read醒吾Institute of Technology and Tourism Division.
Expertise: swimming, tennis, Paint (watercolor, comic books, sketch).
Zheng Yuan Chang, "faithful to the original flavor"
Rene Liu concert version of "opposite the boys room"
李翊君"does not necessarily have a hug"
Ronald Cheng "Rose tears"
温岚"no quarrel not to seek"
Jacky Cheung "gift"
Asan "leaves"
Wang Lan Yin "prank"
Xiaoyu "What do you want to say" (the theme song of a warm mid-summer)
In addition, SHE "Hua good" and FEI Xiang "Our so happy," also has some of his lens
clover Orchestra, "the blessings of good luck" (good luck honey theme song)
Advertisement works
YAMAHA motorcycle
Hewlett-Packard computer (plane)
Fashion magazine
Wedding directory (approximately 5)
Sweet agreed gold
VITA 500 (drink)
Korea beverage ads Vita500
LOTTE Lotte chocolate bars
Kangshifu green tea
Photo Books
"Meta-mei fun"
"I type my color - Zheng Yuan Chang-color book" (sub-Taiwan version and 2005 authorized EASY supplement after the two versions of the EASY)
"Staring Zheng Yuan Chang, 2006"
TV Works
→ 2003 years
TTV Rose - Role:韩葵
→ 2004 years
安室love Miho - role: Han Eisenman
Love The Lord of the Rings - Role: Du Jing Hang
TTV Michael Dance - Role: Lucifer (Guest)
Eight / Medium depending撞球小子- Role: Mortal
→ 2005 years
CTV mischievous kiss - Role: Jiang Naoki
First pot of gold - Role: sheng
→ 2006 years
Boxer Fengyun - Role: Chen Ran
→ 2007 years
China Entertainment warm mid-summer: - Role: Ouyang tired
Eight / 2 Medium as mischievous kiss - Role: Jiang Naoki
(PS <恶作剧之吻2> was renamed in June <恶作剧2吻> the introction of Mainland Television (Hunan TV) changed its name to "Sweet Love again", its English name from
<It Started with a kiss> renamed <they kiss again>
→ 2008 years
Honey Clover - Role: Deng Zhen Shan (Taiwan and China, as a weekly night out 10 on-demand)
Eight / Medium depending on the hundreds of millions of my bread (also known as my love of bread) - Role: Frank (whose real name is: Miss in.)
→ stage: Living and Survival
November 2008
Performance Venue: Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Singapore
As: Actor Lee want to cooperate Cast: Sylvia Chang, Wong Yiu Hing
[Edit this paragraph]
Yuan Chang. Drama Introction
Rose ◆ ◆ 2003 years
Kwai / Zheng Yuan Chang ornaments
Male, 17 years old, looks pretty gentle, but cold-blooded cynicism character. There is a Forever
Super filling dissatisfied胃袋a day, eat a total of 78 meals. Fourteen-year-old e to
For a fire accident and was driven out stepmother had to go and seek refuge with the mother Han
Pro-韩俐, because Viola is the first show him a good person, so in love with Viola.
Appears to have homosexual tendencies, but without doing any other same-sex interest. And Lily
Half are children, but love Lily Kwai but has been reluctant to trust their own
Fall in love with the first girl they are their own pro-sister, which plunged into hopeless suffering
Love, and until the blood relationship between the two men could no longer deny that only pain
Abandon Lily.
* Source: Taiwan Television official website
撞球小子◆ ◆ 2004
Mortal (Zheng Yuan Chang decoration)
22-year-old, nicknamed快打whirlwind, calm, smart, with excellent access to Lane before and after
Different orphanages, after the adoption Senao grandmother, uncles, single-handedly beat a good hit
Ball, also for the ill-intentioned businessman Zhu Sihai deliberately cultivated to become Shao Qi
Front expansion of commercial territory, control of a key pawn of the game, but also the beginning and therefore
Gifted with natural brothers everywhere in between peaks, and then to no avail e to the pursuit of Arab-Israeli Yin gifted vent ri
Continuously for the Board to frame, when the brothers, known background, rehabilitation again e to desire, refuse
Hand, Foot and admit the relationship, continuing to defend the game Shao-feng, until the proction of evidence grandmother Senao
, Tenor that has always helped his game Shao-feng is framing his own father,
Killed his mother, brothers and advance their orphanage culprits.
Subject to physical and mental destruction of the beating, in the Ascension, the finally made the correct
Choice reversal Shao-feng aggressive game situation, but also reversed the opera's
* Source: Group of Eight official website
Michael Dance ◆ ◆ 2004
Lucifer / Zheng Yuan Chang (played incarnation)
On behalf of evil, he is Satan, in order to confuse the public, this time the embodiment of him
For the dwarf to expand the selection of dancers paradise of evil forces, in addition to the eradication of dissent
, Would like to be the evil side of human nature to wake up one by one, against Michael, occupied real
* Source: Taiwan Television official website
◆ ◆ 2004安室love Miho
Han Eisenman / (Zheng Yuan Chang decoration)
Simple-minded, brawn handsome young neighbor, this guy obsessed with
Their superior appearance and meticulous research Pose a break in the modeling instry
World Can not always get its door. Chinese attainments branded very poor English also love him
Often speak a lot of jokes on the downtown.
* Source: Dongfeng official website
恶作剧之吻◆ ◆ 2005
Jiang Naoki / Zheng Yuan Chang (decorated)
IQ200's super talented, smart and handsome, decathlon, almost nothing can do him a rare, but also because too clever for him all the things can be easily reached, and feel that the lack of goals in life. Xiang Qin is a Naoki has always been quiet wave of life brought about by a series of derailment accident, and she defeated Lu-Lu-fearless spirit of war but also from the failure I do not know what objects Naoki puzzled, and slowly to her interest. At the same time, he was also thinking Xiang Qin purely logical effects of found Medical aim in life ...
* Source: CTV official website
◆ ◆ 2005 first pot of gold
Sheng / Zheng Yuan Chang (decorated)
Self-sheng think is a promising youth, determined to want to create a cause, just send him to Grandfather said, "first pot of gold ... give him a secret ... tell him, tell him to go treasure hunting, a family heirloom. Also told him To find the treasure, we must first find in Hong Kong Dr. Lin Lao, which belong to two treasures are jointly owned, only the two together before they can decipher the Treasure password.
Sheng, smart young minds for the treasure in the process of Smart.
◆ 2007 ◆ warm mid-summer years
Ouyang tired (Zheng Yuan Chang decoration)
His temper, like weather, sunny cloudy even showers!
冷傲, conceited, its own people are the focus of attention, from the perspective of others do not care.
Tall, has type, pretty well, girls are the eyes of the prince, but never look for love love him.
In a good mood when no one good, sweet as honey smile; low pressure when everyone is done, speak like snake poison.
Willfulness, to the extreme!
He has amnesia fatal and promised to others and forget that it is normal, keep in mind is a miracle, because he has never deliberately put one on the bottom of my heart.
He has a serious fear of the summer of disease, as long as the summer comes, only to hide the air-conditioning room, where not go, just because summer is a wholly owned nightmarish memories.
Once a hated person, not completely ignored, that is, non-stop bullying each other.
Afraid Jalan girls hate him, shun him everything, the only way 'she', sister, classmate, a man named Bud Summer Ordinary Girl, not only did not flinch, but go forward with him直闯restricted area of the mine and forced him to have to face the heat the heat of summer, as well as their own shortcomings ... all ...
Heaven is like a joke, in a warm summer, he is destined to encounter all the implications of the failure of his life to do with a good thing.
Hate dogs, too noisy trouble again, it does not raise expectations of PP.
Super-span, hate the summer, but the event name 'Summer' also 'hot' hearts over the summer bud.
Since drunken chaos of their loved ones on bad habits, why take the summer's first kiss bud.
PP because of a disease, accident links two friendship.
In his mind, PP is a special, and he described as PP looks like summer buds, in his mind, but also special.
Care about him, him jealous, do not understand the love from long ago quietly in the hearts of budding, but all others can see, he in love!
Sarcastic,恶声恶气, wrapped possession is in fact one of the boys the most innocent heart.
Bud into the summer, out-and-out to change him.
Found her, and let him know how to graally become Remember, know how to face and know how to appreciate the 'normal'.
Only a cobbled-together nature of the original modeling jobs, but also because of the summer shoots unlimited energy and enthusiasm of infection, began to learn to a different perspective of life ... seriously ...
恶作剧2吻◆ ◆ 2007 years
Jiang Naoki (Zheng Yuan Chang decoration)
IQ200 super genius
Smart handsome, decathlon, almost nothing can do him a rare, but also because too clever for him all the things can be easily reached, and feel that the lack of goals in life. In contact with Xiang Qin graally open atrium, found life Medical direction more acceptable to the feelings of the Xiang Qin, the two have not yet graated to marry without first newlywed wife Li Xiang Qin, but also what the test will give them their own ?
Source: Group of Eight official website
Good luck honey ◆ ◆ 2008 years
Man. 23 years old, a senior-year art architecture students will soon become a society of fresh people, art after graating from a relatively large well-known architecture firm inauguration. Ya know him bow enjoy themselves, but he could not accept her love, Secret Love him because a younger woman than his own big flower ... ... side rationale. Flurried him to love God, love to become a voyeur, and often the rationale for flower home side went downstairs, she observed in the distance.
Belong to precocious student, academic and performance standards are based on, for Takemoto, Morita, small sterile romance, has always been the observer, Takemoto give encouragement, give advice Morita, although others have found that the ability to instantly fall in love , but for their love persistence, but that approach did not enjoy him on the sub-arch, it can be said that friendship is better than love, both on the same boat with the fate of
◆ I am the bread of hundreds of millions of years ◆ 2008
Frank, whose real name is Tsai come, but whose real name is too太俗him, together with the love of vanity's sake, people to meet him first introce myself as Frank, the people knew him all his life, he also insisted that Frank told him.
So far nothing in life can only be used 『』 words to describe, too, whose real name because too territories, the provisions of other people called him Frank, why name Frank? Since the rich son哥肯scheled to have English names. The biggest fun of him is a fortune to do a day dream, I hope never worth hundreds of millions of down-to-earth, and most young people nowadays, is a turn of the cards are not slaves. Although personality lazy unrealistic, but in fact full of good-natured sense of justice, his playful spirit, and often do so infuriating, but always a crucial moment to show manhood.
Music Album
"Pro-summer look" - "warm summer" soundtrack September 25, 2007 Issue
"Loyal to the original" - "恶作剧2吻电视原声带" December 28, 2007 Issue
"The blessings of good luck", "give me love" - "Honey Clover TV soundtrack" May 16, 2008 Issue
"The taste of bread" ft. In accordance with morning
Shows a circular
November 8, 2008 "Happy Camp"
November 18, 2008 "Kangxi is coming"
November 14, 2008, "millions of small-school"
November 15, 2008 "Variety Big Brother"
November 16, 2008 "Shen Chunhua LIFE Show"
November 19, 2008 "I love黑涩会"
November 22, 2008 "Million Dollar singers"
November 27, 2008 "Dongfeng entertainment Tong"
January 18, 2009 "static distance"
February 7, 2009, "the vanguard of entertainment"
February 15, 2009 "behind the story" on the series
February 22, 2009 "The Story Behind" series under the

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 16:12

Nick name: small ensemble
Nick name origin: five years ago one evening, zheng dad looked after the show started surname whim, said to help yuan chang zheng change a name, the name that yuan chang dad to have a "zong" word will be obedient, and also feel with fresh chang yuan. With their friends and chang yuan said later call little ensemble, until now, but didn't change id CARDS friends have called habit. Don't know that he will not used in, he called him, so everyone can chang yuan.
English: JOSEPH (great gabito JOE)
Height: 188 centimeters
Weight: 78 kilograms
Birthday 1982.6.19: taichung city life BeiTun area (18 years),
Constellations: Gemini
Degree: love elementary school, high school, bbca unpractical ideals preached, and enthusiastic counseling (a beautiful memory).
Type O blood:
12 my shoe size
Measurements: 40.32.39
Family: father, mother, sister
Like the colour: white, black
Interests: watching movies, online game (everquest), computer games (2) JiXia xianjian preached, paint, playing tennis
Personality: approachable, easygoing, not what I'll mind mine), disposition optimistic, cheerful.
Abstract: enjoy painting style, also like Dudley's works.
Feats: swimming, any swim type will draw, tennis, oh, cartoons, sketch watercolour (.).
Song: how about bad _ ~ ~
Myopic degree, more than 400 degrees
Hair: natural roll
Mantra: good HIGH!
English: bad, study.
Work experience: more exquisite.
Appreciate YiXing types: short motile, lively, cheerful and optimistic.
Family of yuan chang into view: don't support (nor opposed, not evil.
Hobbies: usually stays at home.
Like the movie type: inspire love imbroglio of (the).
Favorite movie: dance life, instinctive reactions.
Like the singer eason:, Karen mok man-wai, Madonna.
Like the actress: Kate Blanche and sammi cheng.
Like the actor: Anthony Hopkins, Jim carrey, Leslie cheung, chow.
Like Japan artists: depressions, and the interface. The past GongZeLiHui
Monster: the monster like cartoon PuZe (straight tree works I love JinTianYi) murder incident, thin young's night.
Like cartoon characters: me! (kwai)
Like the novel types: the first intimate contact (I like this style of the legendary (dragon), the medieval gun novel), Wesley life channeling legend.
Want to go to the country: Japan, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Indonesia BALI (.).
Like the kind of music: pop music, sofa
What animals like cats and dogs. :
Like the food but not picky, strawberry (), coke.
Like the brand: o, sauce (ha ha! It's really expensive think good)
Like reading? YES!
Like shopping? YES! But no time...
What things? Fear People than ghost is horrible. Sinister
Ordinary dressing style: simple for the principle that focus on accessories jewelry modelling changeable, shoes, like to try all kinds of modeling. Wearing a suit really more mature.
The most impressive things: first, super large show nervous! Because only a new me.
Have you ever been senior model had bullied? No, everybody is very kind to me. ^ _ ^
Which one is the most hard over the CASE? Commercials! Standing in the light will open eyes, ha ha ~ pretty hard.
A good model is defined? The clothes or proct, can achieve a better show, model, but not very important.
Will continue to be model? Don't give up, after all, April showers bring may flowers. From here, hope I can also have here bright eye. Hope to work with acting, but I really like acting.
And I hope all Fans do? Afternoon tea, chat.
Internet has spread to you not like the rumor, what would you do? Internet rumors I don't respond, because the Internet will only mud. Private parts or would want to keep the privacy.
Why in drama or show your skin is white, but is wheat color photograph? The professional makeup.
Can be reproced photos? I don't feel so good, because I want to family photos I share, but has spread didn't also way.
As a model in any job before? Once in taichung as a bar and restaurant waiter... etc.
Other countries have you visited? After hours of Japan (has been).
Like what kind of book? Scientific, civilized, aliens.
Love and a few years first kiss? How old high (forget).
Talk about a few times in love? 2 and 3 times.
Hate what's the car like? All play.
Hate what insects? Cockroaches mice, etc. Everyone dislikes me but hate.
The most embarrassing thing: elevator fart.
The most painful thing: elementary grade three parents divorced.
How interpretation "kwai ' 'the characters (such as in control and emotional) what? The homework before work more, go, go after kwai, although sometimes will still be at best, but the best performance, make.
There was going to support? On November 2, 2003 has been set up.
The evaluation of man how LANVIN? For me, too expensive so mature.
Whether in 2003 apec pop culture festival - international pop star - > overall modelling design? No, a pity.
When more than a year, including model professional training? There!
How were excavated as a model? My sister's friend.
Dream: retention, etc in said.
In the future, I expect and grow together.
Yuan chang sayings: learn together, grow up together!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 16:12

明星英文简历 郑元畅

不认识的人叫他小综,他会不习惯,所以大家可以叫他元畅。 英文名: JOSEPH ( 小名 JOE ) 身高: 188 公分 体重: 78 公斤 生日: 1982.6.19 (台中市北屯区生活18年) 星座: 双子 学历: 仁爱国小、卫道中学、丰原高中(热衷康辅社,并有一段美好回忆) 。 血型: O型 鞋号: 12 三围: 40.32.39 家庭成员: 爸...


中文名:郑元畅 外文名:Joseph Cheng(小名 JOE)别名:小综国籍:中国出生地:中国台湾 出生日期:1982年6月19日 职业:演员,模特,歌手毕业院校:私立醒吾技术学院代表作品:《蔷薇之恋》《爱情魔戒》《恶作剧之吻》《恶作剧之吻2》等主要成就:星空卫视花样美男排行榜前10名娱乐十年最具影响力时尚男艺...


最喜欢的演员: 郑元畅 最喜欢的歌手: Jolin M-flo Shinhwa 喜欢的食物: 茄子..花生..咖哩以外的我都爱~ 最近热衷的事物: 参加棒棒堂 理想的异性类型: 感觉对就好啦 未来的梦想: 成为CHANNEL[V]力捧的男生团体 中文名字:廖亦崟(威廉) 英文名称:William 生日:1985/10/7 出生地:台中 血型:AB型...


英文名:Aaron(官方) Arron(亚纶)生日:1985/11/20(官方) 1986/11/20(亚纶)星座:天蝎座 属相:牛 血型:O 型 身高:177CM 体重:60kg 出生地:台湾省台北市 家庭成员:家中有一父一母及一妹(还有一个是宠物狗“妹妹”)。学历:雨农国小――弘道国中――成渊高中――文化大学新闻系 ...


6五月19 - 郑元畅,台湾演员。 6日25 - 雨,韩国男歌手。 7 11 - 五月的雪孙辉,香港演员和模型。 7日24 - 赵颂茹,香港歌手。 8 5月27日,台湾歌手,演员 - 侯湘婷。 9个月的2 - 曹敏莉,香港演员。 5月9日5 - 王心凌,台湾歌手。 9个月的 - 黄婉伶,香港歌手和演员。 9 - 日本女歌手...


语言:国语、闽南语、日语、英语、泰语、粤语 星座:狮子座 身高:181cm 体重:66kg 生日:1979年7月30日 生肖:羊 收集物品:香水、银饰、帽子、手机、Nike鞋、牛仔裤、手表、公仔、墨镜、戒指 圈中好友:蔡依林、杨丞琳、小鬼(黄鸿升)、潘玮柏、萧敬腾、曹格、黑人(陈建州)、范玮琪、林俊杰、萧亚轩...


成龙:安徽芜湖人本名:陈港生艺名:陈元楼英文姓名:Jackie Chan生日:1954年4月7日籍贯:安徽省芜湖血型:AB身高:1.73米资料来源(沈巷原属芜湖) 王莹:女 安徽芜湖人。中国电影、话剧女演员,作家。主演了《女性的呐喊》、《铁板红泪录》《同仇》《自由神》等影片(明星影片公司)演出《炭坑夫》、《塞上风云》、《赛...


英文名: Yida 所在地: 血型: A+ 星 座: 狮子座 生肖: 学 历: 生日: 1979 职 业: 歌手 个人简历 喜欢的音乐:日本音乐 欣赏的歌手:X Japan 喜欢的运动:跑步 创作作品 -- 彭佳慧-199几的他 电影-地下铁 在华语市场全面都以偶像歌手、团体的主流操作,全球泛滥的嘻哈风潮压力下,新索音乐希望发...


英文名:Sonia Sui 祖籍:山东 出生地:台中市 (14岁去波兰生活直至到加拿大上大学,大学毕业后回到台湾)生日:1981.10.22 星座:天秤座 血型:A型 身高:173cm 体重:48kg 三围:33C 23 34 腿长:112cm 学历:加拿大 Winnipeg大学 心理系 嗜好:看书、上网、上健身房、看电影、音乐、跳舞 语言...


喜欢她的明星:SuperJunior的韩庚、SuperJunior的东海、SuperJunior的强仁、SuperJunior的晟敏、Super junior的希澈、SS501的许永生、神话的金东万、神话的李珉宇、BOBO、Rain、金纹钟、李玖哲、萧亚楠、金成洙、元彬、玄彬、安在旭、张东健、黄正民、宋承宪、潘玮柏、古天乐、罗志祥、刘德华、张国荣、郑元畅、李英生、...

英文简历范文 英文简历范文带翻译 英文简历 正式英文简历 英文简历翻译 个人英文简历样本 社会英文简历 英文简历男 英文简历书写
云裳羽衣普通6-4完美攻略介绍_云裳羽衣普通6-4完美攻略是什么 ...长期在深圳工作。那我可以在深圳续签港澳通行证吗?是续签喔,_百度... 云裳羽衣第五章怎么过 第五章普通完美攻略 消防法规中规定发生火灾时的处置方法有哪些规定 火灾扑救的基本原则是什么答案 请教专家朝鲜缺的衣食同等商品按中朝汇率和价格差异来看挣钱不?_百度... ...想请教一下高手指点我一下。柿子做法的步骤,如何晒,如果白天晒,晚 ... 如何看待闪婚的林志玲夫妇? 闪婚真的可以幸福吗,有什么弊端呢? 大闸蟹在鱼缸里用什么水养好 成都哪里可以考塔吊证 越详细越好谢谢 industry design 产品设计的一些专有名词 华为手机怎么叫出语音助手 在绵阳办塔吊操作证要多少钱?在什么地方办?多少时间可以拿证? 自由女神像的起源,来历等故事,英文如何翻译的? 塔吊证在内江哪个部门办 塔吊操作证怎么可以办理入库 四川今年什么时候可以考塔吊操作证 英文,齿轮 四川省的塔吊操作证在常州市能不能用 能帮我用英语翻译一下这些形状吗?谢谢 gambit如何在直线上取一点 这个题帮忙一下,快点快点。英语。 四川塔吊司特种作业操作证可以提前复审吗 天赐的声音2周传雄遭淘汰,孟美岐为何会被网友惨骂? 《天赐的声音》,你觉得哪个导师表现最好? 《天赐的声音3》定档3月11日,这一季有着怎样的导师阵容? 天赐的声音节目组声明,回应孟美岐当导师点评周传雄,具体做出了什么解释? 天赐的声音2:何昶希的弹唱只是噱头,导师们的点评耐人寻味,你怎么看? 《天赐的声音》中孟美岐做周传雄导师,为何网友鸣不平? 西昌办塔吊操作证在哪里办 有谁帮我翻译一下法文? 怎么办理塔式起重机操作证? 在四川省住房和城乡建设厅网站上找不列特种作业操作证查询:证号:川O042014002598塔吊司 一段介绍苹果派的英文 特种作业操作证有哪些 塔机操作证有效期是多少年? 特种设备操作证是2年还是4年复审一次?依据是什么?_百度问一问 求3DS MAX的所有热键,有的兄弟姐妹给我发一个可以不??? 手机右下角出现小红书号4个字这么删掉?- 问一问 如何将小红书素材视频里的作者和小红书这些字去掉 转到本地的视频,最后会说小红书,怎么去掉 天涯明月刀ol,如果只有一条词缀,可以把它升级成两条词缀吗? word2010中怎样自动生成目录 如何在word2010文字录入的初始文档创建目录? 天涯明月刀金装词缀出现后金装升到下一级词缀自动继承还是重新随机 天刀pvp装备词缀属性怎么来的 天涯明月刀ol附魔第二条词缀匠心能提高吗 软件(程序)调试的任务是什么? 天涯明月刀ol第二词缀匠心7和8的区别 find手机定位客服电话是多少?