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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 09:37



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 15:21

The enterprise morals are refer to the enterprise each kind ofbehavior criterion and the standard sum total which should on owninitiative observe in the proction management. Under the socialistmarket economy condition, the enterprise takes the social economy lifethe cell since after the uneven person, also is a social person. Asthe economic man, the enterprise activities direct goal is pursues theprofit the maximization; As the social people, how does the enterprisealso have earnestly to solve in the pursue profit activity makes aprofit as well as how makes a profit is beneficial needs to speak theenterprise morals in other words to the social progress and person'sfull scale development question. The article pointed out that, theenterprise morals are the social morals important constituent, andelaborated the enterprise morals social significance.
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