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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-18 15:42



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 15:48

The glacier starts to melt,the disaster will erupt.Once a glacier time being born was 20th century Fox sings has made a sound the gospel.Does smiles three swordsmen -- machairses to enlighten Ye Ge, the tree otter hopes Germany and fierce elephant Manny,with 60 million US dollars manufactures expenses,created the first box office to break through 200 million animation long pieces the record,also has won the global nearly 400 million US dollars box offices.
The sequel inferior to the previous work, gains to run obviously is not Fox goal,With the many days careful manufacture, the slow merit left the delicate work "the glacier to melt".Not only lets animation confusing await eagerly, also has decided on in advance the idea which before surmounting does!Secretly the original members still are famous "the blue sky work room",The style also maintains does smiles warmly is invariable, but the movie has actually carried on a most important change,Let that only bad luck tenacious steadily two teeth the inferior squirrel shoulders the summer beam.This only in order to bury the loose fruit actually to initiate the big avalanche gold medal supporting role really is too receives welcome,The light looked how this prehistoric small squirrel does carry on under the iceberg favorable crag extremely has the limit challenge to seek the loose fruit movement,The excavation, the diving, smells searches, sways back and forth, continues to make the crack glacier, the initiation diastrophism, subsequently "the deconstruction world",Already had has smiled the broken belly the guarantee!
Said the solid speech, this flat and thin piece very is really good! Did not look is your regret!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 15:49

Manny, Sid and Diego return in another incredible adventure. The Ice Age is coming to an end, and the animals are delighting in their new world: a melting paradise of water parks, geysers and tar pits. But when Manny, Sid and Diego discover that the miles of melted ice will flood their valley, they must warn everyone and somehow figure out a way to escape the coming deluge.
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