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写一篇英语作文,谢大神! 为帮助农村失学儿童重返校园,同学们精心准备了美食节,要求1 展示为美食节

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 07:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 09:38

In order to help those drop-outs of rural areas to return to school, the students meticulously prepared a gourmet festival. They picked up the freshest meat and vegetables at supermarket this morning and all the dishes are disposable and recyclable, the students will cook the cuisines in spot. The purpose of doing this is to raise funds for those drop-outs to get back to school, and increase people’s awareness about the importance of receiving ecation for children and how terrible is the life of those drop-outs in rural areas.

feel free to ask any further questions

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 09:38

In order to help those drop-outs of rural areas to return to school, the students meticulously prepared a gourmet festival. They picked up the freshest meat and vegetables at supermarket this morning and all the dishes are disposable and recyclable, the students will cook the cuisines in spot. The purpose of doing this is to raise funds for those drop-outs to get back to school, and increase people’s awareness about the importance of receiving ecation for children and how terrible is the life of those drop-outs in rural areas.

feel free to ask any further questions
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